Perfumes, tires, light industry items and photo cameras are ready for mandatory marking
A new stage in digital marking of footwear: according to the CRPT's decision, Data Matrix digital codes will be assigned to leftover footwear stock free of charge
Mandatory marking of Class A drugs has been successfully launched in Russia under the 7 high-cost nosologies programme
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Registration with Chestny ZNAK is mandatory for all economic agents dealing with marked products
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Details of mandatory digital marking and experiments
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Photo cameras and flashbulbs
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Chestny ZNAK lectures on digital marking

Open lectures and workshops for businesses on digital marking implementation issues

Law on Mandatory Marking from 1 July 2019

Chestny ZNAK track & trace digital system

Chestny ZNAK is a national track & trace system A special digital code guarantees the authenticity and quality of the goods. The main objective of the system is to increase the level of security of Russians, fight against counterfeit and low-quality analogues.

Why is it important to digitally mark a product?

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, over 6 million counterfeit products have been identified in the Russian market since early 2018. This is a major problem both for the consumers, who receive goods of dubious quality for their money, and for product owners. It negatively affects their reputation and entails financial losses.

The application of digital marking makes it possible to get all the information about the product: name of the manufacturer, place, date and time of production or sale, expiration date, item number, standard number. Data is stored in the state information system. Digital marking reduces the spread of all types of illegal products: pirated goods, counterfeit products, smuggling, etc.



Why is the Chestny ZNAK track & trace digital system needed?

The problem of illegal product circulation is particularly acute for Russia: the share of illegal circulation in the manufacturing industry is about 35%, in the perfume market – 20%, and in the medicine market – up to 10%.

According to research by Kantar TNS analytical agency, the share of the illegal cigarette market in Russia increased to 7.7% in Q1 2018, as compared to 4.6% the previous year.

In December 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the resolution of the Government for the creation of a Unified national track & trace digital system by 2024 based at the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT).

The track & trace system being created by the Centre, known as Chestny ZNAK, makes it possible to effectively combat counterfeit and contraband goods and protects legal businesses and brands of bona fide manufacturers and consumers.

Thanks to the introduction of a track & trace digital system, legal businesses will receive protection from counterfeit goods, while their good names on the market will eliminate risks to reputation due to low-quality products being sold under their brands.

Track & trace digital system will allow businesses to increase their production capacity, improve logistic schemes, increase market share and ultimately increase revenue:

  • 1. By reducing the share of contraband and counterfeit goods, legal manufacturers will increase the share and volume of production by 5-50%, depending on the product group
  • 2. Businesses can switch their production to Industry 4.0, working based on the Just-in-Time principle. By receiving data on products online, they will be able to plan production to the optimal level, reduce stock surplus, and increase turnover of goods
  • 3. Connection to the e-document flow operator (if EDF was not previously used)
  • 4. Businesses will be able to save significantly on logistics: during the implementation of full traceability, the manufacturer or logistics company can receive the latest statistics on sales geography, performance and seasonality, which will make it possible to modify logistics systems and optimize shipments and inventory
  • 5. Businesses will adjust their accounting processes. These days, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on balances and goods codes in warehouse and stores. Without the correct accounting, it is impossible to calculate profits and plan purchases; therefore, automation would help entrepreneurs to get their business in order
  • 6. Businesses will switch to the e-document flow. EDF will radically reduce the volume of paper documents that are still actively exchanged by Russian companies and cut business costs, as well as improve labor productivity
Who needs the Chestny ZNAK track & trace system?
Implementing the national track & trace system can benefit consumers, business and the state:
Consumers can be sure of the legality of products they buy, as well as their safety for their life and health. Using the application, everyone can report any illegal products identified, and this information will be transferred to the appropriate controlling authority.
Participating in the national track & trace system, legal manufacturers and importers can take advantage of increased profits and enhanced competitiveness due to the reduced share of counterfeit and contraband products on the market. Business can track the movement of products and save on logistics by optimising their supplies and stock resources based on actual statistics on the seasonality, intensity and geography of sales. This would help reduce the costs and increase labour productivity.
On the government level, digital marking of products will contribute to a cutback in the shadow market, increased tax payments and customs duties, and a reduction in the costs for organising control of commodity markets.
About Chestny ZNAK

How does Chestny ZNAK work?
The process consists of the following stages:

1. A manufacturer or importer put the unique digital code on their products.

2. The whole logistic chain, along which the subject of digital marking moves, from manufacturing to consumers, is recorded.

3. Products reach the store shelf only after they are scanned.

4. The code is scanned at the cash desk, when the product is sold. The information about the withdrawal of products from the circulation is transferred to the system.

5. Using the mobile application for digital marking, consumers can verify its legality.

The launch of mandatory marking is scheduled on
1 March 2019
— for tobacco products
1 January 2020
— for all pharmaceutical products
By 2024, practically all consumer goods, sold, manufactured or imported, must be marked. Therefore, now it’s time for every business owner to get ready for implementing the system and apply for registration in this system.
What do I do if I find a counterfeit product?

In the application, you will be able to send a notification about the counterfeit product. Depending on the type of violation, the information will be handed over to the competent control and supervision authorities, who will assess the results and perform checks on dishonest manufacturers.

Thousands of mobile checks will be carried out by the minute across Russia, and, thanks to the public control, the market will become truly transparent.

Who applies the digital code on the goods?

The Center for Research in Perspective Technologies creates a unique digital Data Matrix code and sends it to trusted manufacturers and importers. They apply the code to each package of their goods. It is possible to trace the entire route of the goods by means of the digital code – from the conveyor to the online cash register that removes it from circulation. The system records the transfer of goods from owner to owner at each stage of the logistics chain, which makes it impossible to introduce a counterfeit product.

Why is it impossible to falsify a code?

Unlike a simple paper mark, a digital code is difficult to falsify. Thanks to domestic crypto-technologies, the data on goods cannot be deleted from the system or adjusted. The marking code is comprised of two parts: the identification code, which determines the product's position in the system and in the unified catalogue of goods, and the verification code or crypto-tail generated by the CRPT.

When goods are removed from circulation, their legality is confirmed at the online cash register using fiscal storage. It synchronises the data of the track & trace system and the unified catalogue and prevents sellers from offering counterfeit goods.

The series of unique codes cannot be predicted, and the digital code itself is not repeated for 5 years after the release of the good's position.

Who is responsible for the track & trace systems?

Global experience has shown that governments usually use a private operator to launch track & trace projects. In China, this is the Alihealth Company owned by Alibaba; in Brazil, it is a Swiss company SICPA. By investing its own funds, this type of operator does not create an additional load on the state budget. In Russia, the Unified national track & trace digital system operates in the form of a public-private partnership. The Center for Research in Perspective Technologies is a private and joint system operator.

What goods are already being marked by CRPT?

CRPT is the joint operator of the track & trace experiment for tobacco and also localises production facilities to manufacture equipment for pharmaceutical products marking.

On 3 May 2018, the Government approved a list of 10 new goods subject to mandatory marking as of December 2019. The list includes perfume and eau de toilette, jersey/knit tops, long and short coats, trench coats and jackets, windbreakers, bed, table, bath and kitchen linen, photo cameras and flashbulbs, tyres and pneumatic tyre casings. In addition, the project for mandatory marking for tobacco products begins in March 2019 and the marking for footwear in July 2019. The Centre is ready to start marking the new groups of goods promptly, thanks to the scalability of the Chestny ZNAK track & trace system. To ensure a smooth transition to marking, the company will work with businesses to refine all solutions and technologies in the course of pilot projects.

Why was CRPT chosen as the system operator?

At the end of 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the November government resolution to create a Unified national track & trace digital system by 2024 through a joint operator – the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies.

This combination of shareholders makes it possible to unite industrial resources, experience in implementing large-scale transformation projects, expertise in the sphere of cryptology and in servicing hundreds of thousands of customers, and technical support. Moreover, the financial capabilities of the shareholders facilitate the localisation and production of equipment in amounts sufficient for the market.

Will prices go up because of the marking?

After the track & trace system is implemented, the prices for goods made by legal manufacturers will drop.

Consumers will not have to bear the costs of purchasing the track & trace equipment – this will fall to businesses. Moreover, the economic effect of implementing the track & trace system will cover the expenses. Thanks to the system, manufacturers will know the exact quantity of goods sold and how the logistics chain works. This will make it possible to optimise business processes and reduce costs.

After the marking is implemented, even in the most conservative outcome, the prices for goods could drop by 10% due to the reduced share of counterfeit goods on the market and other positive effects.

Is the track & trace system effective?

Over the course of one year, in which the track & trace experiment for medicals in Russia was conducted, violations worth half a billion rubles were discovered. Thanks to the track & trace experiment, it was also discovered that costly pharmaceuticals purchased by the state for hospitals as part of the «7 Nosologies» Federal programmes were being resold.

The mandatory marking of fur coats, launched in 2016, has also proven to be effective: within a year, the share of legal fur products on the market increased 10-fold.

Three hundred thousand fur coats were sold in 2015, while in 2017, the number of fur products increased to 2 million.

Examples of similar track & trace systems implemented in other countries have also shown positive results. In Brazil for example, the volume of counterfeit tobacco goods was reduced, 7 illegal plants were closed, and tax collection in the tobacco segment grew by 40% between 2008 and 2010.

General questions on participation in the experiment
  • How will EAs (economic agents) work with Federal State Information System Mercury and Chestny Znak?

    As a part of the experiment, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) approved the options for integrating the manufacturer with two systems. The marking codes are associated with the ID (GUID) of the production VAD (veterinary accompanying documents), and then, when the goods move in the supply chain, the transfer of goods ownership is recorded in the GM SIS (Goods Marking State Information System) on the basis of the Unified Transfer Document. The electronic veterinary certification system Mercury controls the process of production and circulation of livestock materials and products, prevents the turnover of fake and counterfeit products, thus ensuring the biological safety of food. Marking of dairy products completes this system, increasing the level of traceability from the manufacturer to the counter.

  • What systems will be integrated to participate in the experiment?

    The manufacturer’s APCS (Automatic Process Control System) and the CRPT’s (Centre for Advanced Technology Development) Order Management System will be integrated to obtain marking codes and validate their application; the APCS shall be integrated with accounting systems (for generating the UTD (Universal Transfer Document)) or the EDF (electronic document flow) operator (also for generating the UTD) to record the goods movement.

  • What will the process look like if a part of the SKUs is not controlled by Mercury?

    If the SKU does not meet the requirements of veterinary legislation, the production and movement of such products are shown only in the GM SIS; Mercury does not have data for this SKU.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to test the entire chain from production to the cash register.
    The experiment includes the following basic steps:
    1) Applying the marking code on the finished product;
    2) Transferring data about the successful application to the GM SIS;
    3) Introduction;
    4) Movement of the goods along the product chain;
    5) Withdrawal of the goods from circulation through the cash registers.

  • Is there a minimum number of SKUs defined for entering the pilot?

    There are no requirements for the number of SKUs to participate in the experiment, but it is recommended to use several different packaging form factors, as well as one or more production lines.

  • Can the information be partially removed from the package after the digital marking experiment?

    After the transition period, the barcode can be removed from the package.

  • When to pay for the issue of marking codes?

    For the duration of the experiment, the marking codes are issued free of charge. At the end of the experiment, the funds will be debited upon delivery of the MC (marking code) application report. Participants bear the costs of risk for losses resulting from the goods write-offs/ defects, regardless of whether their goods are marked or not. This risk does not involve the service of providing marking codes by the operator. The marking code remains recognisable even when up to 50% of its area is unreadable. Damage to a larger area of the marking code may indicate damage to the product packaging, making it non-compliant with the safety technology regulations. Accordingly, the marking code application is not covered by the operator’s service and incorrect application cannot be attributed to the risks of the latter.

Elements of the digital marking code
  • What parameters does the marking code include?

    The dairy product identification means includes a marking code comprising four data groups and is identified by the attributes (application identifiers, AI) specified in the GS1 DataMatrix standard.

    The GS1 Data Matrix FNC1 symbol (ASCII 232) will be present at the beginning of the marking code line.
    1) The first group is identified by the application identifier AI=’01′, consists of 14 digits, and contains the product code;
    2) The second group is identified by the application identifier AI=’21′, consists of 13 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters,
    as well as special symbols, contains the unique dairy packaging serial number, and ends with the separating symbol FNC1 (ASCII 29);
    3) The third group is optional and, depending on the shelf life of dairy products, contains:
    — For products with a shelf life exceeding 72 hours, the group is identified by the application identifier AI=’17′ and consists of 6 digits in the YYMMDD format, containing the expiration date of the product;
    — For products with a shelf life under 72 hours, the group is identified by the application identifier AI=’7003′ and consists of 10 digits in the YYMMDDHHMM format, containing the expiration date and time of the product, accurate to the hour, and ends with the separating symbol FNC1 (ASCII 29);
    4) The fourth group is identified by the application identifier AI=’93′, consists of 4 characters (digits, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters, and special characters) and contains the verification code.

  • How can the marking code change over time (under the influence of chains and other customers)?

    The composition of the marking code may slightly change in the course of the experiment. At the moment, the structure of the marking code includes an optional field containing the expiration date of the product with an accuracy of up to hours in the case of perishable products (under 72 hours) and up to a day in the case of non-perishable products. Based on the results of the experiment, the structure of the code may become binding, if its applicability has been confirmed by various application methods.

Applying the marking code to the package
  • How do you plan to apply the MC to soft packaging?

    Methods of applying and reading of marking codes at the production site can be determined based on the results of inspection of production sites by equipment integrators and/or representatives of the Operator. Individual packaging form factors can be submitted for laboratory testing to determine, how to apply the required quality marking code to a specific form factor, as well as to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes will be made on the packaging to apply DataMatrix?

    To apply the code on the label, you need an available area up to 15×15 mm. In order to apply the code on the caps of PET bottles, its surface will be prepared (for a printer: smoothing, for laser burning: spreading).

  • What equipment will be installed on the line?

    Printer, applicators (in case of labelling), and artificial vision. For printing in series — the artificial vision only. The detailed information about the equipment, its types of placement, and its integration into the line will be available after a survey of production sites.

Transferring the information about the movement of marked goods to the Universal Transfer Document
  • How do I specify the code in the UTD, for example, 100 pieces in a single delivery?

    Both codes of consumer or group packaging and codes of aggregates (boxes, pallets) can be transferred to the UTD. The codes are transferred in the electronic UTD structure in the corresponding fields. The procedure for transferring marking codes and the structure of the document was approved by Decree No. MMV-7-15/820@ of the Russian Federal Tax Service dated 19 December 2018.

  • How will retailers accept the delivery in the Chestny Znak system?

    Delivery is accepted on the basis of a UTD signed by both parties containing information about the accepted marking codes or larger units. Adjustments within the acceptance process are recorded using the corrective UTD (Universal Transfer Document)/UAD (Universal Correction Document).

Switching to single copy/piece accounting
  • How will accounting migrate from the batch/pallet/box-based to piece-based accounting?

    It is allowed to issue, apply, and introduce to circulation the code of group packaging (the format is the same as the unit code; it is used to simplify the simultaneous disposal of several identical units, for example, yoghurt 4-packs). To identify a larger unit, an aggregation operation may be performed that preserves a link between the marking codes included in the group, transport, and other packaging group. The code standard is GS1. For example, aggregation allows for specifying marking codes for consumer and group packaging to be included in the codes of boxes, pallets, etc., which simplifies the acceptance procedure and storage.

  • How to combine warehouse item-based accounting with storage in pallets?

    The accounting can be performed on a per unit basis, where the pallet code (SSCC) contains the marking codes for consumer and/or group packaging.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    The unified Track and Trace Digital System will allow businesses to increase their production capacity, improve logistics schemes, increase market share and ultimately increase revenue:

    • Reducing the illegal circulation of goods will help legal manufacturers increase their share and volume of production by 5–50% depending on the goods group.
    • Businesses can switch their production to Industry 4.0, working under the Just-in-Time principle. By receiving product data online, they will be able to optimise production planning, reduce stock surplus and increase goods turnover.
    • Businesses will be able make significant savings on logistics. During the implementation of full traceability, the manufacturer or logistics company can receive the latest statistics on sales geography, performance and seasonality, which makes it possible to modify logistics systems and optimise shipments and inventory.
    • Businesses can establish in-depth accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on balances and goods codes in warehouse and stores. It is impossible to calculate profits and plan purchases without proper accounting. Therefore, automation helps entrepreneurs get their businesses in order.
    • Businesses will switch to e-document flow. EDF radically reduces the volume of paper documents that are still actively exchanged by Russian companies. It also cuts business costs and improves labour productivity.

  • What is the basis of the Track and Trace Digital System?

    In December 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a government resolution to establish a National Track and Trace Digital System of Goods by 2024 based at the Centre for Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT).

    The Track and Trace Digital System utilises digital code technology based on the DataMatrix standard (which stores information about each product unit, its serial number and additional information), as well as cryptographic protection technology that makes it impossible to fake issued codes.

    When a product unit is released, a unique digital code is applied to the package or the product at the manufacturing site.

    In order to ensure the traceability of marked goods, the government stipulated the use of electronic document management for exchanging legally relevant information in the form of an electronic transfer document for monitoring the transfer of titles to codes at the time of the transfer of titles to goods accordingly.

    In order to monitor the disposal of marked goods, it was decided to universally implement a system for exchanging information on the disposal of products and their codes through a fiscal data operator.

    This approach ensures the complete traceability of goods, from production line to checkout — thus eliminating the possibility of introducing unmarked or illegal goods into circulation.

    The use of digital technology also provides an opportunity to expand public monitoring mechanisms for the end user via a mobile app.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) 14-digit GTIN goods code.
    2) 13-character individual serial number for bottled water.
    3) An optional unit, which can contain additional information such as minimum retail price or expiration date.
    4) 4-character verification code, which is used to verify the originality of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to the package and what changes need to be made to the package design?

    Possible methods of applying and reading marking codes at manufacturing sites can be determined based on the results of inspections of said sites by equipment integrators and/or representatives of the Operator. Individual package form factors can be submitted for laboratory testing to determine how to apply the required quality marking code to a specific form factor, as well as to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes should be made to packages in order to apply DataMatrix?

    A small, empty field up to 15×15 mm in size is required to apply the code to a label or cover.

  • What equipment needs to be installed on production lines?

    Label printer, applicators (where labelling is required), computer vision when applying marking at the manufacturing site. Only computer vision is required when printing marking codes on a label at a printing house. Detailed information about the equipment, forms of placement and integration into lines will be available after an inspection of the manufacturing site.

  • Do stock accounting systems need to be modified in order to produce marked goods?

    When using stock accounting programmes, economic agents can integrate them with their user account in the track and trace system independently or with the help of an integrator to ensure ease of use when working with the track and trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with stock accounting and automated storage systems is recommended to significantly simplify interaction with TT GIS.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will be unable to cross the customs border of the Russian Federation. Marking codes must be applied to imported goods at the manufacturing site or at the customs warehouse.

  • What do retail points of sale need to have?

    • An enhanced qualified electronic signature (EQES), which can be obtained from a certification centre accredited by the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.
    • A 2D barcode scanner to read Data Matrix codes.
    • An online checkout for retail sales (you may need to update the firmware).
    • Configured document exchange using the electronic document management operator to accept goods at the warehouse.
    • When operating the stock accounting programme, the economic agent may integrate it with the user account in the track and trace system.

  • How much does the track and trace service for marked goods cost?

    The cost of the track and trace service for marked goods (generation and provision of a code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities per unit of goods) was approved by Russian Government Resolution No. 577 of 8 May 2019 and amounts to 50 kopecks excluding VAT. It is fixed for 15 years.

  • When do I pay for marking codes?

    Marking codes are issued free of charge for the duration of the experiment. Upon the experiment’s conclusion, funds will be deducted upon delivery of the MC application report, beginning from the start date of the marking.

  • Do I need to pay for a reissued marking code if it gets damaged?

    Market participants bear the cost of risk for losses resulting from goods write-offs/defects regardless of whether their goods are marked or not. This risk does not involve the service for providing marking codes by the operator. Marking codes remain identifiable even when up to 50% of their area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, making it non-compliant with safety technology regulations. As the physical printing and application of marking codes are not included in the services provided by the operator, incorrect application or damage to codes cannot be attributed to the risks of the operator.

  • What are the stages of the track and trace project?

    The track and trace project consists of several stages:
    1. The preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the TT GIS system, outreach to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent.
    2. The Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the TT GIS system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment and preparing for high-volume deployment.
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks and retail chains implement the track and trace technology.

  • How do participants benefit from the experiment?

    • Testing of the product marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Work is carried out by assigned system integrators and is free of charge for the manufacturer. Outcome: a report on the possibility of applying marking to products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with consideration for the specifics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of marking on the manufacturer or importer’s production cycle (changes in the process of packaging products, aggregation into shipping package and further goods distribution); an understanding of the required changes in business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail sales; the opportunity to reach early agreement on the cost of subsequent full-scale implementation of the track and trace system.
    • Testing the operation of the TT GIS system under the specific conditions of a particular manufacturing site. Outcome: consideration for the specifics of a particular distribution network and manufacturing site, with the subsequent adaptation of TT GIS for the marking of water; early assessment of the required changes in the information systems of the distribution network and manufacturing site and the ability to make preparations in advance; dedicated staff briefings on the system and its specifics.
    • Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outcome: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of the manufacturing, logistics, sales, and affiliate network (if relevant) and the ability to prepare for changes in advance.
    • An open discussion with participants of the Experiment in Mandatory Marking and Turnover Rules and the possibility to influence its development, including at the federal executive level. Outcome: Mandatory Marking Rules that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? At what point is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment involves passing the main stages:
    1) Ordering a code in the TT GIS and applying it to finished products.
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the TT GIS.
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and the aggregation of codes of a single-unit product in the aggregation code.
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports.
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the Electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities.
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • What sizes of company can take part in the Experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no restrictions on the size of the company and no requirements for the number of SKUs to join the experiment, but it is recommended to use several different package form factors and one or more production lines.

On marking
  • Which types of documents regulate the medicine marking?

    • Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ “On circulation of medicines”;
    • Federal Law of December 28, 2017 No. 425-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the circulation of medicines”;
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1018 dd. August 28, 2018 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.62 dd. January 24, 2017”;
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1556 dd. December 14, 2018 “On approval of the regulation on the track and trace system of medicines for medical use”;
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1557 dd. December 14, 2018 “On the peculiarities of implementation of the track and trace system of medicines for medical use”;
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1558 dd. December 14, 2018 “On approval of the rules for publishing publicly available information contained in the track and trace system of medicines for medical use on the Internet (including in the form of open data).

  • When did marking become mandatory for all medicines?

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law dd. April 12, 2010 (rev. dd. June 04, 2018) mandatory marking was introduced on January 01, 2020. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1557 dd. December 14, 2018 “On the peculiarities of implementation of the track and trace system of medicines for medical use”, mandatory registration of circulation participants in the user account of MDLP IS for medicines from the list of high-cost nosologies began from July 01, 2019, marking of 7VZN medicines became mandatory from October 01, 2019.

Enchanced Qualified Electronic Signature (EQES)
  • Which types of documents regulate obtainment and use of EQES?

    Relations in the field of the use of electronic signatures are regulated by the Federal Law dd. April 06, 2011 No. 63-FZ (rev. June 23, 2016) “On electronic signature” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dd. June 25, 2012 No. 634 “On types of electronic signature, the use of which is permitted when applying for public and municipal services”.

  • Procedure for obtaining EQES

    1. Choose a certifying center (a list of accredited certifying centers is available on the website of the Minkomsvyaz of the Russian Federation
    2. Issue a request to obtain QES;
    3. Pay the bill after confirmation of the request;
    4. Collect and provide a set of documents to certifying center;
    5. Obtain a certificate of qualified electronic signature;
    6. Cryptographic software may be required to work with QES (composition may vary depending on the application of QES);
    7. QES is issued with electronic keys. Key models must be certified by FSTEC (the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) and/or FSB (the Federal Security Service). 

  • Error “OGRNIP in EQES certificate is missing or incorrect” occurs when registering in the system.

    The EQES certificate used for logging in contains the data of an individual, which is contrary to the requirements for execution of EQES for registration in MDLP FGIS.It is recommended to obtain the EQES issued to the name of the head of the organization with indication of the position, which is registered in the EGRYL (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).
    The rest of the data in EQES, including INN, must correspond to the data of the organization itself. The requirements for EQES can be found at link.
    EQES can be obtained in any accredited certifying center in your city, the list can be found on the website of the Minkomsvyaz at link.
    After obtaining the EQES, it is recommended to repeat the attempt to register in the user account.

  • How to receive new certificate or update old one when it has expired.

    To update the certificate, click the Access recovery for manager button on the page and select the operation type Add new EQES certificate for manager. If the old certificate is missing, you can use the link “Access Recovery” on the page and choose the operation type “Add new manager”.

    Please note that this functionality is only available to the head of the organization, which is specified in the EGRYL registry.

  • What to do if the head of organization has been changed.

    It is necessary to get a new EQES under the name of new head of the organization (requirements to the EQES can be found at link.), by using the link “Access Recovery” on the page - and choose the operation type “Add new manager”.

    Please note that the operation is available only if the data about the new head is already present in the EGRYL (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). Data can be checked on the FTS website.

  • How do I generate a code?

    The code is generated by the following parties to pharmaceutical products circulation:
    — Russian pharmaceutical product manufacturers that are implementing the «PP prepackaging/packaging into the secondary and/or tertiary packaging» stage;
    — Representatives of foreign legal entities that hold marketing authorisations for pharmaceutical products in the Russian Federation;
    — Holders of marketing authorisations for pharmaceutical products manufactured outside the Russian Federation.

    For secondary (consumer) packaging
    In order to generate a digital marking code to be applied to secondary (consumer) packaging, the party to pharmaceutical product circulation shall create the first and second data groups:
    1. Application ID (01) + GTIN.
    2. Application ID (21) + individual serial number of the secondary (consumer) packaging (where the option for serial number self-creation is selected)

    The operator of the system for monitoring circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use shall ensure that the third and fourth data groups (verification code and e-signature) are created and sent to the party to pharmaceutical products circulation.

    Important information
    The individual serial number for the secondary (consumer) packaging consists of 13 symbols in a sequence of digits or alphanumerical characters.
    The generated individual serial number must be unique for each GTIN for the entire duration of the service life of the system for monitoring the circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use.
    The contents of the information added to the package in a human-readable format is defined in Article 46 of Federal Law No. 61-FZ «On Pharmaceutical Products Circulation» of 12 April 2010.

    For group (shipping) packaging
    The marking code is applied to group (shipping) packaging as a Code 128 barcode in compliance with GOST ISO/IEC 15417-2013, which contains the following data structure:
    — Application ID (00);
    — Extension symbol;
    —Registration No. of the issuer of the group code obtained from GS1 RUS;
    — The individual serial trade unit No. created by the group code issuer by means of random assignment sequence;
    — check sum.

    The data included in the group code may be duplicated as a readable printed text.
    The marking code is created by the party to pharmaceutical products circulation on their own.

Sandbox test environment
  • What is the Sandbox? What is the purpose of registration in the Sandbox? Is it mandatory?

    Sandbox is a test version of the main system in which you can register to test business processes, train employees, and debug your software in order not to enter incorrect data into the operational system and debug systems. The Sandbox test environment can be found link. Registration data are not automatically transferred from the sandbox to production environment.
    The process of registration on the test environment is the same as registration on the production (operational) environment.

  • How can Integrators register on the Sandbox test environment?

    To register on the Sandbox test environment, Integrators shall send a request to the technical support service
    Letter with request shall have the following subject: “Request for granting access to the Sandbox test environment”.
    Request shall contain the following data:

    • INN
    • Name of organization 
    • Type of participant: Integrator;
    • Type of access: for resident of the Russian Federation / for non-resident of the Russian Federation (specify one value);
    • Last name, first name ,patronymic name (if any) of the contact person ;
    • Contact number;
    • Email;
    • Environment: Sandbox test environment .
    After registration the user account in the system «Track and Trace System of Medicines — Sandbox» will be available for work.

  • What is the procedure for obtaining emission registrars for testing?

    To access the test emission registrar, it is necessary to register on the integration environment. To do so, send the request to the following e-mail address - Letter with request shall have the following subject: “Request for granting access to the integration environment Pharma”.
    Request shall contain the following data:

    • INN (or analog);
    • OGRN/OGRNIP (it is not required for non-residents of the Russian Federation);
    • Name of organization ;
    • Registration number in the Sandbox of MDLP FGIS (it shall be specified if there is user account in the Sandbox of MDLP FGIS);
    • Type of participant: Integrator or medicine manufacturer (specify one value);
    • Type of access: for resident of the Russian Federation / for non-resident of the Russian Federation (specify one value);
    • Last name, first name, the contact person (including patronymic name, if any)
    • Contact number;
    • Email;
    • Environment: integration environment «Pharma»;
    • If there is no access to the Sandbox of MDLP FGIS, you can attach the test certificate of EQES (in .pfx format) (only for integrators — residents of the Russian Federation).

    After registration, user accounts in the systems «Order Management Station» and «Track and Trace System of Medicines - Sandbox», and  test emission registrar will be available for work.

  • Can the disposal registrar be configured to transmit information to the Sandbox test environment?

    The disposal registrar is configured on the production environment of MDLP FGIS. The setting of DR on the Sandbox test environment has not been implemented and there are no plans for implementation in the near future.

Frequently Asked Questions for Distributors
  • What type of equipment do I need for purposes of pharmaceutical product track & trace?

    For the purposes of code printing, manufacturers need serialisation and aggregation equipment (if not previously purchased), and an emission monitor — equipment that issues a crypto-tail. The CRPT operator shall, at their own expense, provide emission monitors to all pharmaceutical manufacturers.

  • My company has already purchased the equipment in order to participate in the experiment. Do I have to purchase new equipment?

    If the company is already a participant in the experiment, there’s no need to change the marking equipment. Crypto-protection may be embedded in the existing business processes, minimum changes are required. No significant costs are implied.

  • What cardboard quality is required for crypto-protected code printing?

    CRPT can now print digital codes on any type of cardboard based on specific features for ink selection, etc. Contact out CRPT information centre, and we will inform you of the equipment setup methods based on your cardboard quality.

  • How much does the marking equipment cost?

    The average price of the equipment for small pharmaceutical manufacturers may vary from RUB 3.1 million to RUB 6 million, for high-speed production lines used by Big Pharma — from RUB 7.5 million to RUB 14 million.
    The TrekMark company was founded in order to provide Russian manufacturers with high-quality hardware and software. Due to the localisation of Russian-based manufacturing, prices for TrekMark equipment are 30% lower than those of their foreign counterparts, and the lead time has been optimized.

  • Are there any preferential terms available for equipment purchase?

    An Industry Development Fund launched a credit programme in April 2018, in order to grant loans for purchasing pharmaceutical product track&trace equipment. It offers preferential loan terms — you can borrow from RUB 5 million to RUB 50 million with a 1% annual interest rate for up to 2 years. Repayment of the principle will begin only in year two. IDF has already approved a loan for the St. Petersburg pharmaceutical company Polysan,
    Ozon Pharm and Ozon (both from Samara Region — RUB 50 million), Pharmacor Production (St. Petersburg, RUB 50 million), AVVA RUS (Kirov Region, RUB 50 million), Medisorb (Perm-based low-end pharmaceutical products manufacturer, RUB 34.5 million), etc.

  • Equipment from which manufacturers was checked for crypto-protected code printing?

    From almost all manufacturers present in the Russian market. Currently, this involves over 15 serialisation equipment manufacturers, over 10 printer (printing system) manufacturers and over 20 scanner manufacturers.

  • What equipment do I need to implement marking across pharmacies and medical institutions?

    Pharmacies System implementation does not require any additional retooling: for Data Matrix code recognition, all-in-one scanners are used that are available in each pharmacy, there’s no need to replace them. According to Federal Law No. 54-FZ, business owners must start implementing an online cash register. Modern cash registers support reading digital codes, there’s no need to replace them. Pharmacies will only need to replace fiscal memory devices in online cash registers on a scheduled basis. Hospitals: CRPT shall, at their own expense, equip all medical institutions with retirement registrars (they are similar to cash registers in medical institutions that register the retirement of pharmaceutical products) CRPT plans to invest RUB 10 bln in this initiative. Approximately 260,000 devices will be required for this purpose.

  • Will I have to replace warehousing scanners?

    If your warehousing scanner supports reading Data Matrix, you won’t have to replace it.

Frequently Asked Questions for Pharmacies and Medical Organizations
  • When and how must importers mark their goods?

    Importing companies are responsible for marking goods until they are submitted to customs procedures. The goods delivered for actual customs control clearance must be delivered with identification tools and marking codes in the form of a Data Matrix barcode. The existing business workflow for the pharmaceutical industry only requires the direct application of a code to the recycled (retail) package, which may only be performed by a company that specialises in this type of work.

  • How will logistics workflow change after marking is implemented?

    The implementation of an appropriate methodology across the company helps accelerate and automate logistics workflow, which leads to the optimisation of a manufacturer’s costs related to these workflows. Businesses will be able to save significantly on logistics: the implementation of full goods traceability, the manufacturer or logistics company obtaining the most current statistics for the sale geography, the performance and seasonality will enable the modification of logistics systems and the optimisation of shipments and inventory. By various estimates, optimising the shipment structure, forecasting demand and distributing the marketing effort will help companies save at least 10–12% of costs for these items.

  • Does the system imply any ban on the movement or sale of expired products?

    Of course, some restrictions will be applicable to retiring expired products, except for cases where such products are returned to the supplier or are disposed.

  • Can sGTIN and SSCC data be contained in a single message?

    Yes, sGTIN and SSCC data may be contained in a single message of the following types:
    — notifications of finished products release (template 313);
    — notifications of PP shipment to the owner (template 381);
    — notification of PP shipment to the Russian Federation (template 331);
    — notifications of PP import to the Russian Federation (template 332);
    — notifications of customs clearance results (template 335);
    — notifications of PP acceptance to the importer’s warehouse (template 341);
    — notifications of PP shipment from the consignor’s warehouse (template 415);
    — notifications of PP acceptance at the consignee’s warehouse (template 416);
    — notifications of PP transfer between various trading addresses (template 431);
    — notifications of PP shipment to an unregistered trading address (template 441);
    — notifications of PP transfer for disposal (template 541) and of PP disposal (template 542);
    — notifications of withdrawing PP from circulation due to various reasons (template 552);
    — notifications of recall by the consignor of PP transferred to the consignee (template 251);
    — notifications of consignee’s refusal to accept PP (template 252);
    — notifications of confirmation (acceptance) of data (template 701).

  • Is the situation possible in which the consignor sends SSCC codes in message 381 and the consignee receives the entire code tree from IS MDLP together with the attachment?

    Notification of PP shipment, which is received by the consignee/PP owner (message 603), is composed based on the source document sent by the manufacturer under the contract (message 381) and will contain the set of SSCC/sGTIN codes identical to the one specified in the source message.
    All notifications sent to the consignee by the system for monitoring circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use contain exactly the data from the consignor’s source messages which have been processed successfully.

  • How soon will the other party to the contract receive the notification (603, 606, 607 respectively) after a message (381, 252, 701) is sent?

    The system for monitoring the circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use will promptly send the notifications. This usually only takes a few minutes.

  • Can I create and send report 701 during the process of SSCC-based acceptance when no discrepancies are found and use other report types if discrepancies are found?

    Acceptance reports based on the 701 message template may be sent in increments or for a single part of the received product batch based on acceptance results.

  • Do I have to create and send a report when I send «surplus» back to the consignor, considering that the SSCC codes in IS MDLP show that the products are still listed as owned by the consignor?

    If the SSCC codes confirm that the products are still owned by the consignor, then you can enter the following information at your discretion into the system for monitoring circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use:
    — notifications of recall by the consignor of PP transferred to the consignee (template 251);
    — notifications of consignee’s refusal to accept PP (template 252).
    The procedure for entering information is approved by the parties on their own according to the internal rules and procedures and the terms of delivery agreements.

  • What type of message must be sent in case of product «shortfall» (i.e. report 603 contains more codes then the actual amount of goods)? Will the information on «surplus» of goods be removed from the PA of the consignee?

    In this case, the consignee may submit «consignee’s refusal of PP acceptance» based on template 252, which refers to the codes included in message 603, but that are actually unavailable.
    The Personal Account only contains the information about PP confirmed as accepted by the consignee (in message 701).

  • Can a reverse acceptance pattern be applied in the course of transfer from the contract platform to the owner?

    Only a direct transfer from the contract platform to the owner is permitted (template 381).

  • What is the purpose of report 251 – recall of the transferred goods by the consignor?

    This type of report is used by the consignor in order to recall PP that were not accepted by the consignee; the purpose of this recall is to return the erroneously transferred codes to the consignor’s PA balance.

  • What shall I do if defects are detected in the course of PP acceptance, and I want to return the PP to the consignor? Shall I send message 252 «Refusal of acceptance» or accept the goods and then ship them back?

    The procedure for returning defective PP is approved by a party on their own according to the internal rules and procedures and the terms of delivery agreements.

  • Who is to withdraw the goods from circulation if they are lost during shipment? Consignor or consignee?

    The procedure for withdrawing goods from circulation in the event that they are lost during shipment is governed by the terms of supply agreements that define, among other things, the procedure for transfer of ownership and responsibility for transportation of goods.

  • How do I add the trading address of the company?

    The trading addresses of participants registered in the system for monitoring the circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use are entered into this system as part of the licenses for manufacturing pharmaceutical products or licenses for carrying out pharmaceutical or medical business activities.
    If the address specified in the license is entered in FIAS format and correct, then you must add it to the Profile > Trading Addresses section of the participant’s Personal Account.
    If the address specified in the license is entered without the FIAS code or can’t be found in the address system, then the participant will be requested to specify the FIAS code. In this case, they will be required to enter the FIAS code that most fully conforms to the code specified in the license, with the maximum possible level of detail. The level of detail for the FIAS code may be lower than for the address specified in the license (e.g. the addresses in the license include building number, and in FIAS only the street). The minimum required level of detail for the FIAS code specified by the participant is the location.

  • Shall I transfer information on internal transfers of pharmaceutical products between two pharmacies owned by a single organisation that are located in different parts of the same building (e.g. in a large shopping centre)?

    Trading addresses are registered in the system for monitoring the circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use based on a combination of the company ID and trading address as specified in the license. This means that there’s no need to submit information about transferring pharmaceutical products between these pharmacies because the system for monitoring circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use considers this transfer to be performed within a single trading address.

  • Will the logistics warehouses, consignment warehouses and shipping companies be considered parties to pharmaceutical products circulation?

    Companies that perform the functions of logistics and consignment storage, as well as shipping companies, are not considered to be parties to the circulation in the course of the current sale. When the goods are transferred for consignment storage to another organisation, the company shall enter this operation into the Marking Information System as an internal transfer operation between the addresses because the ownership for this goods was not transferred and so the system still considers it to remain within the responsibility area of the respective owner.

  • If a pharmacy is not registered in IS MDLP, then how does it accept and sell the marked goods?

    If the pharmacy is not a registered user of the system for monitoring circulation of pharmaceutical products for human use, it can carry on working as before. As per the system’s functionality, registered participants in the experiment shall notify of PP sale to an economic agent that is not registered in the system (this is considered to be a separate type of goods withdrawal from circulation).

  • May the consignor (in case «surplus» products are detected) send an additional report 603 where the SSCC codes for this «surplus» are specified together with the ones that are already specified in report 603?

    Yes, they may.

About digital marking
  • What is IS MOPT?

    IS MOPT is the Track & trace Information system for marking and monitor the tobacco products circulation.

  • What is marking? Why is it being introduced in Russia?

    The problem of illegal product circulation is particularly acute for Russia: the share of illegal circulation in light manufacturing is about 35%, in the perfume market — 20%, and in the medicine market — up to 10%.

    According to research by Kantar TNS analytical agency, the share of the illegal cigarette market in Russia increased to 7.7% in Q1 2018, as compared to 4.6% the previous year.

    In December 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the resolution of the Government for the creation of the National track & trace digital system by 2024 based at the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT).

    The Track & trace system being created by the Centre, known as Chestny ZNAK, makes it possible to effectively combat counterfeit and contraband goods and protects legal businesses and brands of bona fide manufacturers and consumers.
    Digital marking will allow businesses to increase their production capacity, improve logistic schemes, increase market share and ultimately increase revenue:

    • by reducing the share of contraband and counterfeit goods, legal manufacturers will increase the share and volume of production by 5–50%, depending on the product group;
    • businesses can switch their production to Industry 4.0, working based on the Just-in-Time principle. By receiving data on products online, they will be able to plan production to the optimal level, reduce stock surplus, and increase turnover of goods;
    • businesses will be able to save significantly on logistics: during the implementation of full traceability, the manufacturer or logistics company can receive the latest statistics on sales geography, performance and seasonality, which will make it possible to modify logistics systems and optimize shipments and inventory;
    • businesses will adjust their accounting processes. These days, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on balances and goods codes in warehouse and stores. Without the correct accounting, it is impossible to calculate profits and plan purchases; therefore, automation would help entrepreneurs to get their business in order;
    • businesses will switch to the e-document flow. EDF will radically reduce the volume of paper documents that are still actively exchanged by Russian companies and cut business costs, as well as improve labor productivity.

  • Who made the decision to introduce the track & trace tobacco experiment in Russia, and when? Which state authorities will oversee this system?

    In accordance with Resolution No.1433 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27 November 2017, «On Conducting a Track & trace Experiment for Tobacco Products using Identification Tools and Monitoring the Circulation of Tobacco Products», an ongoing experiment was launched on 15 January 2018 within the Russian Federation, and is coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

    As of March 2019, the digital marking will be mandatory for the tobacco industry. Amendments were made to Federal Law FZ-15 that approve the deadline of 1 March 2019 as the start of the mandatory marking and were signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 30 July 2018. It had previously been supposed that the marking would be implemented as early as 1 July 2018.

  • What are the project dates?

    On March 1, 2019, the registration of stores and manufacturers in the Chestny ZNAK National track & trace digital system became mandatory.

    Starting July 1, 2019, the release of unmarked products will be ceased.

    • when cigarettes are sold at market outlets, the DataMatrix code of each pack or carton will be scanned. During the sale of goods, the cash register transfers information to the FDO that the receipt contains marked products. 
    • the supply of marked cigarettes to the distributor directly from the manufacturer will be accompanied by an electronic universal transfer document (UTD) with product codes using e-document flow systems.

    Starting July 1, 2020, the circulation of unmarked products will be ceased.

    • the supply of marked cigarettes to retail points of sale and sub-distributors will be accompanied by universal transfer documents (UTD) with product codes using e-document flow systems. 

  • Starting from what date must companies and individual entrepreneurs concerned with retail sale of tobacco products:

    — send information to the monitoring system about retail sales of tobacco products;
    — send information to the monitoring system about receiving tobacco products from suppliers;
    — sell only marked tobacco products?
    Companies and individual entrepreneurs concerned with retail sale of tobacco products are to submit the following information to the Track & trace Information system for monitor:

    • starting from 1 July 2019, information on retail sale of marked tobacco products (cigarettes) produced in the Russian Federation or imported to the Russian Federation.
    • starting from 1 July 2020, information on receipt of tobacco products from suppliers and other operations with tobacco products, including decommissioning, as established by the legislation.
    Retail sale of unmarked tobacco products, including cigarettes produced in the Russian Federation or imported to the Russian Federation after 1 July 2019, is allowed until 1 July 2020.
    Starting from 1 July 2020, only marked tobacco products are admitted for sale.

  • How can retail vendors in remote areas submit information to the track & trace system?

    Entrepreneurs who use cash registers without transferring data to an FDO will need to enter the data on the codes of the sold packs into the personal account in the monitoring system once every three days.

  • What is the pilot project, and why is it necessary?

    Before the transition to the mandatory marking, pilot projects are conducted for each group of goods. They are necessary for representatives of the industry to be able to prepare for working with marked products in a calm manner, together with the project’s operator. This includes adapting equipment for printing codes, upgrading cash register software, etc.

    These pilot projects must commence at least a year before the mandatory marking begins, allowing the relevant industry to prepare for implementation and minimize costs.

  • Will any payment be collected from participants of the pilot project to generate the codes? What is IS MOPT?

    At the pilot project stage, all participants will gain access to the system, including the generation of digital marking codes and traceability of their circulation, free of charge.

  • Who participates in the pilot project; who can join and how?

    The experiment participants are tobacco companies in Russia, which manufacture about 95% of all tobacco products in the country, (Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Imperial Tobacco, Donskoy Tabak, Korea Tomorrow & Global Corporation, Union Tobacco Factory), the distributors through which over 88% of tobacco products are sold (Megapolis Trading Company, SNS Group), and retail organisations (X5 Retail Group, Metro C&C, Lenta, Magnit, Dixy, etc).

  • How will operations be affected for each market player after they switch to working with marked tobacco packs?

    Changes for market players will be minimal.

    Manufacturers need to adjust the process of applying a Data Matrix digital code on packs and a linear code on cartons. The digital code applied to each product item will be scanned by members of the sales chain. Information on their movements will be transferred to the Chestny ZNAK Track & trace system.

    Distributors will deliver the data to the track & trace system in electronic format via e-document flow operators, by using a Universal Transfer Document (UTD) comprising a waybill and an invoice. This document has been developed by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and is recommended for use. Those who are not yet using the EDF system must begin to do so.

    When the goods are sold, after arriving at the retail sales points, information on the sale must be submitted to the Chestny ZNAK track & trace system. For this purpose, the code on the pack needs to be scanned at the cash register, and it will be automatically transmitted to Chestny ZNAK through the fiscal data operator to whom the cash till is connected. Since the code contains the product GTIN, it is enough to just scan the Data Matrix itself. As the system already contains data on the maximum retail price, the cashier would not need to input this information at the point of sale.

    As of 1 July 2019, all points of sale will be equipped with online cash register in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law 54-FZ, and it will not be necessary to install additional software and hardware such as the Unified State Automated Information System. Costs on the adaptation of the marking processes will be minimal for retailers.

  • Necessary resources and equipment for implementation of the track & trace system for tobacco products:

    To utilize the system, the following technical equipment is required:

    For manufacturers:

    • equipment and software for serialization and aggregation (unless previously purchased);
    • recorders of the emission of marking codes (provided to operators of the project by the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies free of charge);
    • connection to the e-document flow operator (if EDF was not previously used).

    For distributors and wholesalers:

    • connection to an e-document flow operator (EDF) and a digital signature (unless issued earlier).

    For a retail point of sale:

    • a 2D scanner (unless purchased before) and software update for the already installed online cash register.
    The necessary costs to implement marking and traceability for different groups of market participants are non-recurrent and fixed:

    For manufacturers:

    • if the necessary equipment and software are not available, manufacturers will have to invest a lump sum of 6 to 15 million rubles in order to purchase the production line and adapt it depending on the selected ERP system
    • the emission recorder is provided by CRPT free of charge
    • for bulk sales, it is necessary to use EDF to send source documents the average market tariff for processing one document in EDF is RUB 5.4. Average annual expenses on EDF services will be about RUB 21 mln for major manufacturers and RUB 0.7 mln for minor ones
    For distributors and wholesalers:

    Depending on the scale of the distributor’s or wholesaler’s business, the annual EDF expenses may vary (the approximate estimate, depending on the average market tariff for processing one document in EDF is RUB 5.4):
    • the EDF expenses for wholesalers with a turnover of 50 mln packs per year will be about RUB 270,000 per year
    • the EDF expenses for distributors with a turnover of 9 bln packs per year will be about RUB 49 mln per year
    • the EDF expenses for wholesalers with a turnover of 3 bln packs per year will be about RUB 15 mln per year
    • the EDF expenses for wholesalers with a turnover of 1 bln packs per year will be about RUB 5 mln per year
    • the incoming traffic of electronic documents is not charged

    For retail points of sale:

    • if the seller does not have a 2D scanner, a lump-sum investment of RUB 4,000 will be needed to purchase one.
    • for small-scale retailers, it may be necessary to install the updated cash register software to work with the marked products. Cash register software support — RUB 7,500/year. This information can be specified at service centers of cash register equipment vendors.

    It is worth mentioning that the costs spent on EDF are recovered as a result of reduced turnover of paper documents and, consequently, savings on printing, sending and storing paper documents. The average cost of a paper document is RUB 20, which is 4 times higher than the cost of an electronic document.

  • I am a software developer, and I have a proposal for the experiment operator. Whom should I contact?

    We invite solution developers and integrators to participate in the project and wish to make our system as open, convenient and useful for the market as possible. Send your proposals to

  • Hotline for contacting market players with questions about the project.

    8 800 222 1523 (for calls from Russia)
    +7 499 350 85 59 (for calls from other countries)

Liability of economic agents and fines
  • What is the liability of retail stores that misuse cash register equipment?

    According to Federal Law No. 54-FZ On the Use of Cash Register Equipment (Article 4.7, Clause 5), the Government of the Russian Federation can establish a «product code» as an additional mandatory cash receipt attribute to identify goods.

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 174 dated 21 February 2019, the ’product code’ attribute in the cash register receipt for goods subject to mandatory marking with identification tools must contain the identification code provided for in Federal Law No. 381-FZ dated 28 December 2009, On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trade Activity in the Russian Federation.

    Liability for non-compliance with this requirement is established by Part 4 of Article 14.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (for violation of the procedure and conditions for the use of cash register equipment) in the form of a warning or an administrative fine for officials in the amount of one and a half thousand to three thousand roubles; liability of legal entities is provided for in the form of a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand to ten thousand roubles.

  • What is the liability of those who sell marked products without transferring information to the track & trace system after 1 July 2019?

    What is the liability for those who sell unmarked products after 1 July 2020?

    According to Government Decree No. 224 dated 28 February 2019, the rules for the marking and circulation of tobacco products have been approved.
    According to the rules, starting 1 July 2019, liability for the sale of unmarked cigarettes produced after 1 July 2019 is provided for in accordance with Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation:

    • for individuals: from two thousand to four thousand roubles, plus confiscation of the objects of the administrative offense;
    • for legal entities: from fifty thousand to three hundred thousand roubles, plus confiscation of objects related to the administrative offense;
    • for public officers: from five thousand to ten thousand roubles, plus confiscation of the objects of the administrative offense.
    Unmarked residues produced before 1 July 2019 can be sold freely until 1 July 2020. From this date, the liability for selling unmarked cigarettes comes into full force.

    There will also be additions and changes to the current requirements of the Administrative Code.

  • What is the liability for manufacturers of tobacco products that produce unmarked cigarettes after 1 July 2019?

    The liability for the manufacture of unmarked products is described in Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offense of the Russian Federation.

    Production of alcohol or tobacco products without marking and/or applying information as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as violating the established procedure for appropriate marking and/or application of information shall entail an administrative fine: for officials — from ten thousand to fifteen thousand roubles, plus confiscation of the objects of the administrative offense; for legal entities — from one hundred thousand to one hundred fifty thousand roubles, plus confiscation of the objects of the administrative offense.

About the experiment
  • How to participate in the experiment?

    To take part in the experiment, please register on the system operator's website at

  • What types of products are subject to digital marking?

    Garments, including workwear, made from natural or composite leather, hand or machine knitted smocks, blouses and blousons for women or for girls, coats, short coats, capes, raincoats, jackets (including ski jackets), windcheaters, weatherproof jackets and similar items for men/women or for boys/girls, bed, table, toilet and kitchen linen are to be marked based on Resolution of the Russian Government No. 792-r as per the OKPD-2 codes 14.11.10, 14.14.13, 14.13.21, 14.13.31, 13.92.13 and 13.92.14, and the TC FEA EAEU codes 4203 10 000, 6106, 6201, 6202 and 6302.

About digital marking
  • What do I do with marked goods if I terminate my activity as an individual entrepreneur?

    If you terminate your status as an IE, you lose the right to handle such goods and, among other things, use the Economic Agent Personal Account of the track & trace system. All existing goods shall be transferred to the personal property of the individual and shall be considered withdrawn from commercial circulation.

  • What should I do if I made a mistake in the description of the goods? Can I correct it?

    Goods for which true and reliable information was not entered into the Track & trace Information system for marking are considered unmarked (goods without digital marking).
    If you discover that the information does not correspond to the actual characteristics of the goods in the Track & trace Information system for marking, the CIMs applied to the goods are to be decommissioned as damaged and the goods in question are to be remarked.
    You should describe the product again on the website of the information system for accounting and storage of true data on the product (UNISCAN GS1 / RUS), obtain the GTIN and send the relevant information to the Track & trace Information system for marking.

  • Is digital marking of fur products obligatory?

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787 dated 11 August 2016 «On the implementation of the Pilot Project for digital marking goods with control (identification) marks for the Category ’Clothing Items, accessories, and other products made from natural furs’ and declaring null and void Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24 March 2016 No. 235» sets out that the digital marking of fur products has been obligatory since 12 August 2016.
    The term «Pilot Project» means that digital marking is obligatory only for one category of goods, namely, fur products.

  • As of what date do you verify the absence of arrears when applying for a CIM?

    The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation verifies the absence of arrears in taxes and fees and arrears of penalties and fines in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees incurred as a result of business activities as of the date of filing of the CIM application.

  • What do I do if the data in the digital marking IS does not correspond with the data of the books of prime entry?

    If you detect an error in the information submitted to the digital marking IS, send an official letter to the address of the CRPT signed by an authorised person, with a request to change the information in the digital marking IS with a detailed description of the error and copies of the books of prime entry attached to confirm it.

  • What are the cases when the Issuer can refuse to issue CIMs?

    1. The economic agent violates the terms of the contract with the Issuer.
    2. No contract was signed with the Issuer.

  • Do control (identification) marks require notification?

    No, notification is not required.

  • How do I use all functions of my Personal Account on after my registration application in the track & trace system is approved?

    Once your application to register in the track & trace system for control (identification) marks for the Category «Clothing items, accessories, and other products made from natural furs» is approved, in Profile — Roles you will need to select the roles that correspond to your legal entity or individual entrepreneur:

    • manufacturer;
    • importer;
    • wholesale vendor;
    • retail.
    After this, you gain access to all functions of the track & trace system.

  • What e-signature should I use to enter my Personal Account on

    You can only log in to the Personal Account using an enhanced qualified digital signature issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia.

  • What fur products are to be marked?*

    You are to mark clothing items made from natural furs (mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin, and other types of fur) under Category 4303 of the Unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union (group 43).
    This Category comprises all clothing items made from:
    a) natural fur;
    b) other materials with a lining of natural fur;
    c) other materials with natural fur attached on the outside (except when the fur is used as a finishing material).

    The fur is considered a finishing material when it is used only for collar and lapels (provided that the collar and lapels are not so big that they turn into a cape or bolero), cuffs or fringe of pockets, skirts, coats, etc.

    This Category does not cover:
    a) products named in the first part of heading 4202;
    b) gloves and mittens made of leather and natural fur (heading 4203) (those completely made of natural fur are included in this heading);
    c) articles in group 64;
    d) hats and their elements in group 65;
    e) products in group 95 (for example, toys, games, and sports equipment).

    * In accordance with the explanations to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of the Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (TN VED TS) Volume 2, Section VIII.

  • In what cases must fur products be marked?

    You are to mark your goods in the following cases:

    • if the goods are held by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (in ownership or for commission fee from individuals) as of 1 April 2016;
    • when the manufacturer offers the goods for sale;
    • when goods are imported to the Russian Federation;
    • when the goods are received under a commission agreement from an individual;
    • sale of goods;
    • goods are handed over to commission agents or agents;
    • purchase of goods;
    • goods are received under a commission or agent agreement;
    • an agent or commission agent returns unsold goods;
    • goods are destroyed (decommissioned);
    • there is an error in the information recorded on the control (identification) mark (CIM);
    • the CIM that marked the goods was lost.

  • How are fur goods marked?

    They are marked with control (identification) marks (CIM).

  • What are control (identification) marks (CIMs)?

    A CIM is an accounting form with anti-counterfeiting elements (tools) (protected printing products) containing a built-in RFID tag for marking goods.
    The types of control (identification) marks are as follows:
    a. sew-in;
    b. glue-on;
    c. add-on.

    The sizes of control (identification) marks are as follows:
    25×160 mm
    53×80 mm
    The colour of the control (identification) mark depends on the method for putting the product into circulation. If the goods were produced in the Russian Federation, then the control (identification) mark is green.
    If the goods were imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, then the control (identification) mark is red.

  • What does the colour of the control (identification) mark mean?

    Control (identification) marks may be red or green. Red CIMs are for goods imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, while green ones are used to identify goods produced in the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • How can I order control (identification) marks?

    To order control (identification) marks, submit an application to the track & trace information system, enter into an agreement with the issuer (the CIM manufacturer), and pay for its services.

  • Who is the issuer (manufacturer) of CIMs?

    The issuer of control (identification) marks is Goznak JSC (

  • How much does a CIM cost?

    The price of one CIM depends on its type: it is RUB 15 for a sew-in or glue-on CIM, and RUB 22 for an add-on one. The price includes VAT.

  • How long does it take to produce control (identification) marks?

    The Issuer will manufacture the CIM within five business days after receiving payment in full.

  • Is it possible to receive CIMs at the issuer's office?

    Yes, you can do this with a power of attorney.

  • Where can I have the issuer deliver CIMs?

    CIMs can be delivered to the customer’s address or, on request, to multifunctional centres. Delivery to the administrative centres of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is free of charge.

  • Do I need to pay for delivery of CIMs?

    Yes, if they are delivered to a place other than the administrative centres of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

  • How can I check the performance of control (identification) marks?

    The performance of CIMs can be checked using special RFID equipment.

  • What equipment is needed to work with control (identification) marks?

    RFID equipment must meet the following requirements:

    • operation within frequency ranges that comply with the requirements of ISO 18000-63 (860–960 MHz for UHF RFID);
    • support of the EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Gen 2/ISO/IEC 18000-63:2013 data communication protocol and other versions of the standard compatible with the indicated version.

  • How should I apply control (identification) marks?

    CIMs may be sewn in, glued on or hung on the item.
    Methods and guidelines for applying CIMs:
    a) sew-in — a textile-based CIM that is to be machine-sewn directly into the structural seam of the product, keeping the graphical info on it fully visible. In this case, apply the CIM during the manufacturing process by sewing this mark into an interior seam of the product using the special sewing margin;
    b) glue-on — a peel-and-stick CIM that is to be glued onto a sewn-in marking label. In this case, apply the CIM on products that have a sewn-in marking label provided by the manufacturer and containing enough free space to place the CIM on it without deforming it. To apply the CIM, remove the protective layer from the sticky side of the mark and glue the mark to the free area on the marking label;
    c) add-on — a plastic CIM attached to the product with a single-use sealing element, to be attached inseparably to a buttonhole or a fastener on the front of the product or, in their absence, on a sewn-in hanger loop or the sewn-in tab of the hanger loop in the form of a metal chain or a plate made of metal or other material. To apply the CIM, insert the flexible element of the CIM seal into the buttonhole or fastener on the front of the item or the sewn-in loop or the sewn-in tab of the hanger loop and into the locking element of the seal to prevent the possibility of opening it without breaking it.

  • Are there any special requirements for the key certificate of an encrypted qualified digital signature registered for the company CEO in terms of working with the track & trace IS?

    A qualified key certificate of a digital signature must be issued by a certification authority accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia ( The track & trace information system for the marking of fur products does not impose any other requirements on the key certificate of a digital signature as part of the pilot project.

  • When must fur products be marked?

    The manufacturer is obliged to mark the goods before such goods are offered for sale, including their display in the point of sale, the demonstration of samples or provision of information on them in the point of sale.

  • What information should the manufacturer transmit to the information system?

    When marking goods, manufacturers shall send the following information to the information system:
    a) tax identification number;
    b) 10-digit code of the goods from the unified Product Classifier for Foreign Trade of the Eurasian Economic Union;
    c) identifier of the control (identification) mark;
    d) Global Identification Number of the trade unit (GTIN);
    e) type ID of the RFID tag of the control (identification) mark (TID);
    f) serial global ID of the trade unit (SGTIN).

  • When should importers mark goods imported from non-EAEU countries?

    Importers shall mark goods before they enter the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of information about the declaration number, GTIN and SGTIN.
    In this case, importers shall write the SGTIN to the control (identification) mark and transmit information about the customs declaration number, GTIN and SGTIN to the information system prior to offering such goods for sale.

  • When should goods be marked in cross-border trade between EAEU countries?

    Goods imported into the Russian Federation from EAEU countries should be marked before they are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of transmitting information to the information system (it is not necessary to replace the control (identification) marks applied by the supplier).

  • What information do importers transmit to the information system when importing goods from non-EAEU countries?

    Importers shall transmit the following information to the information system when marking goods:
    a) tax identification number;
    b) 10-digit code of the goods from the unified Product Classifier for Foreign Trade of the Eurasian Economic Union;
    c) registration number of the declaration for the goods;
    d) identifier of the control (identification) mark;
    e) Global Identification Number of the trade unit (GTIN);
    f) type ID of the RFID tag of the control (identification) mark (TID);
    g) serial global ID of the trade unit (SGTIN);
    h) fur type.

  • What information does the recipient organisation transfer to the information system when importing goods from the territory of EAEU countries?

    The following information should be transmitted to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) taxpayer identification number of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur purchasing the goods in the framework of cross-border trade;
    c) code of the country of import;
    d) value of the goods according to the primary documents.

  • What information should be transferred to the information system in the framework of wholesale trade or the transfer of goods under commission and agency agreements?

    In the framework of wholesale trade or commission and agency agreements, the party that transfers the goods shall provide the following information to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID, and/or SGTIN;
    b) type of circulation of the goods (sale, commission/agency agreement, etc.);
    c) taxpayer identification number (seller);
    d) taxpayer identification number (buyer);
    e) number and date of the primary documents confirming the circulation of goods;
    e) value of the goods according to the primary documents (in the case of sale).
    At the same time, the party receiving the goods should confirm the information provided by the transferring party in the information system.

  • When should the goods be marked in the case of wholesale trade or transfer under a commission/agency agreement?

    Participants should mark the goods within 3 days from the date of their shipment.

  • What information should be transferred to the information system by commission agents who received goods for commission from individuals or purchased them for personal use?

    The following information should be transmitted to the information system by commission agents:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) identification number of the taxpayer performing the commission trade who ordered the control (identification) mark.

  • What is the time frame for the transfer of information to the information system for commission agents who received goods for commission from individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs?

    The commission agent shall transmit the information to the information system within an independently selected period of time, but prior to offering the goods for sale.

  • What information is transmitted to the information system in the case of retail sale or destruction of goods?

    Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the retail sale of goods from the list should submit the following information to the information system about control (identification) marks of goods that have been sold or destroyed (lost) in electronic form in respect of each unit of goods sold:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) the method of removal of goods from circulation (sale, destruction);
    c) identification number of the taxpayer that removed the goods from circulation;
    d) the date of removal of goods from circulation;
    e) details of the act (in the event of the destruction (loss) of goods);
    f) value of the goods according to the primary documents (in the case of sales).

  • What is the procedure for returning goods to a retail store?

    If the goods were returned within the period established by legislation for the return (exchange) of goods of good quality and the integrity of the control (identification) mark is preserved, such goods shall not be remarked, and the following information shall be transmitted to the information system electronically:
    a) taxpayer identification number,
    b) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    c) details of documents confirming the return of goods.

    If the control (identification) mark has been damaged or destroyed and/or the goods are returned (exchanged) within a period that exceeds the statutory period for the return (exchange) of goods of good quality, the seller shall mark such goods with control (identification) marks and provide the information system with the following mandatory information about the use of control (identification) marks for each unit of goods prior to offering such goods for sale:
    a) taxpayer identification number;
    b) identifier of the control (identification) mark (the original one, if identifiable);
    c) identifier of the control (identification) mark (new) and TID (new), and/or SGTIN (new);
    d) details of documents confirming the return of the goods.

  • Do I need to mark goods that were received by a service centre (tailor shop, dry cleaning) from an individual and had been purchased by him/her for personal use?


  • What is the procedure in the case of damage to the control (identification) mark during presale preparation (dry cleaning)?

    The owner of the goods shall inform the information system about the damage to control (identification) marks and remark the goods in accordance with the Guidelines.

  • What is the marking procedure for goods produced by contract?

    In the case of the production of goods by contract, marking must be carried out by the first legal entity or individual entrepreneur taking the goods (finished goods) onto its books. Such goods are subject to marking prior to offering them for sale.

  • What is the procedure and timing for entering information into the information system when a commission agent sells a product belonging to a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur?

    When transferring goods on commission, information about such transfer shall be transmitted to the information system. In the case of retail sale, the commission agent shall inform the information system within 3 working days about the removal of goods from circulation, by analogy with regular retail sales.

  • What is the marking procedure if the product is returned by the agent to the principal?

    The following information shall be submitted to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN; b)
    type of circulation of goods (agency agreement);
    c) taxpayer identification number (transferring party);
    d) taxpayer identification number (recipient);
    e) number and date of primary documents confirming the circulation of goods.

  • What is the marking procedure for the return of goods by a commission agent to a principal (legal entity or individual entrepreneur)?

    The following information shall be submitted to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) type of circulation of goods (commission agreement);
    c) taxpayer identification number (transferring party);
    d) taxpayer identification number (recipient);
    e) number and date of primary documents confirming the circulation of goods.

  • What is the marking procedure for the return of goods by a commission agent to a principal (individual)?

    Such a return is a removal of goods from circulation.
    The following information shall be submitted to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) method of removal of goods from circulation (returning goods accepted for commission);
    c) identification number of the taxpayer that has removed goods from circulation;
    d) date of removal of goods from circulation;
    e) details of the primary document confirming the return of goods.

  • What is the marking procedure for the sale of goods for export outside of the EAEU?

    Such a sale is a removal of goods from circulation. The following information shall be submitted to the information system:
    a) identifier of the control (identification) mark and/or TID and/or SGTIN;
    b) method of removal of goods from circulation (sale);
    c) identification number of the taxpayer who has withdrawn goods from circulation;
    d) date of removal of goods from circulation;
    e) value of the goods according to the primary documents.

  • What is the marking procedure for individual tailoring of goods by order of an individual?

    In this case, the goods are not marked.

  • What is the procedure for marking goods when they are transferred by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur to a service centre (tailor shop, dry cleaning)?

    Goods are not marked when transferred to a service centre.

  • What is the marking procedure when a product is transferred for safekeeping by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur?

    Goods are not marked when transferred for safekeeping (in terms of information transfer to the information system).

  • What is the procedure for labelling goods accepted for safekeeping from an individual and purchased by them for personal use?

    Marking is not carried out for the safekeeping of goods (and for other services not related to the sale of goods) owned by individuals and purchased by them for personal use.

  • Is it possible to make corrections when errors are detected in the information recorded on control identification marks?

    It is impossible to make corrections after the transfer of information to the information system, even if an error is detected in the information recorded on control identification marks. The control identification marks must be replaced with new ones as in the case of damage (loss).

  • Can the buyer use the information system to see the price of the purchase/sale of goods for transactions between other participants in the circulation of this product?

    The price of the purchase/sale of goods for transactions between other participants in the circulation is not publicly available. This information will not be available to the buyer.

  • How can I remark goods if the CIMs are damaged (lost, destroyed)?

    In accordance with Clause 17 of the Regulations, if CIMs are damaged (lost, destroyed), participants in the circulation of goods shall write them off on the basis of the corresponding act of damage (loss, destruction) of control (identification) marks and submit the details provided for in Appendix No. 4 to the Regulations to the track & trace information system no later than the working day following the date the act of damage (loss, destruction) of control (identification) marks was drawn up.
    Then, within 20 working days prior to offering such goods for sale, including their display in the point of sale, the demonstration of samples or provision of information on them in the point of sale, the participants must remark the goods and submit the details provided for in Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations to the track & trace information system.
    To do this, you must decommission the CIMs and remark these goods using the functionality in the appropriate sections of the Personal Account.
    Goods shall be remarked using CIMs intended for marking goods produced in the Russian Federation or imported into the Russian Federation, if such goods were registered and put into circulation after the Agreement on the pilot project for the marking of goods in 2015–2016 using control (identification) marks had come into force. The proper commodity item is «Clothing items, accessories, and other products made from natural fur.»

  • Describing your goods

    If a company is not a member of the Association of Automatic Identification UNISCAN/GS1 Russia, it should join the association and receive access to its personal account as follows:

    • Fill in the membership application (in an electronic form) at;
    • After that, sign the application with the encrypted e-signature (EES). The signed application will be processed by GS1 RUS and you will receive an invoice for the admission fee;
    • Pay the admission fee as stated in the invoice.
    More information about the procedure for joining GS1 RUS can be found on the association’s website at

How to register in the Chestny ZNAK track & trace system
  • In order to become an economic agent of the Track & trace system for marking fur products, one needs to do the following:

    1. To enter a Personal Account, one needs the necessary software installed on the computer, e-signature verification key certificates, and specific settings. Press the Check Access button and the system will automatically check the possibility of connecting your computer and display instructions for further setup.

    For a legal entity, one should use the encrypted e-signature of the company’s chief executive during the initial access to the Personal Account.
    For further work in the Personal Account one can add other employees of the company by following the Instructions.

    2. Install the software and e-signature verification key certificates, if required.

    3. Now you can start working in your Personal Account. To do so, click «Enter my Personal Account».

Describing your goods
  • If a company is not a member of the Association of Automatic Identification UNISCAN/GS1 Russia, it should join the association and receive access to its personal account as follows:

    • Fill in the membership application (in an electronic form) at;
    • After that, sign the application with the encrypted e-signature (EES). The signed application will be processed by GS1 RUS and you will receive an invoice for the admission fee;
    • Pay the admission fee as stated in the invoice.
    More information about the procedure for joining GS1 RUS can be found on the association’s website at

Ordering and receiving control (identification) marks (CIMs)
  • After the operator of the Chestny ZNAK track & trace digital system approves the CIM application, Goznak Joint-Stock Company (the Issuer) shall issue the control (identification) marks (CIMs).

    1. Sign a contract with the Issuer on

    2. Apply for CIMs in your Personal Account:

    • Personal Account — Menu — CIM Orders — Add — enter any order number in the Order Number field — Save.
    • Enter the number and date of the contract with the Issuer in the fields Number of the Contract with the Issuer and Date of the Contract with the Issuer.
    • Select the way your will receive your CIMs in the field Receiving My CIMs: Pick-Up (in Perm, Russia) or Delivery by Issuer.

    If you choose Delivery by Issuer, please fill in the Delivery Address field.

    • Then press +Add.
    • In the order, select the «method of release of goods»: Production in the Russian Federation or Import to the Russian Federation.
    • Select the «method of putting the goods into circulation» — «Goods put into circulation after 12 August 2016».
    • Select the category for your CIMs (sewn-in, glue-on, or add-on) and the needed amount.
    • If you want customised CIMs, please tick the box «Customised» and select the required GTINs in the corresponding field.

    Please be careful when filling in the fields in the application for the preparation and issue of CIMs. You won’t be allowed to make changes to it later.
    If you make a mistake, you will need to send a new application for the preparation and issue of CIMs.

    The processing period for the track & trace system operator is five business days.

    The Operator CRPT will forward the application to the Issuer if the legal entity or individual entrepreneur meets the following requirements:

    • the applicant is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs as an acting legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
    • there is no entry with respect to the applicant (legal entity) in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the inaccuracy of information entered in accordance with Paragraph 5 and/or 6 of Article 11 of the Federal Law «On the State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs»;
    • the applicant does not have any arrears in taxes and fees or arrears in penalties and fines in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees;
    • the applicant does not have a valid and unenforced decision to prosecute for violation of the Rules for digital marking of goods;
    • the applicant provided information that complies in form and content with the requirements specified by the Rules for digital marking of goods.

    3. Pay the Issuer for the CIMs

    The Issuer will send you a bill by e-mail or otherwise, as specified by the contract.

    The cost of a CIM, VAT included, is regulated by Clause 1.3 of the Agreement with Goznak and is RUB 15 for a sew-in or glue-on CIM, and RUB 22 for an add-on one.

    The Issuer shall manufacture the CIM within five business days after receiving the payment in full.

    The Issuer may refuse to issue control (identification) mark to economic agents in cases when the agent violates the terms of the contract with the Issuer or in the absence of such contract.

    4. Receive your CIMs

    You can see the status of your CIMs in the Status tab of your Personal Account: CIM Orders in the Track & trace Information system for marking:

    Delivering your CIMs:
    • pick-up — free;
    • delivery to the specified address — extra fees apply.

    5. Check your CIMs

    Check the number of CIMs and their correct functioning using special RFID equipment.
    Return all bad CIMs to the Issuer (or otherwise, as defined in the contract with the Issuer).

    6. Confirm that you received the CIMs

    Within three business days after you receive your CIMs, confirm it in your Personal Account: CIMs Received in the Track & trace Information system for marking.

How to do digital marking of goods
  • Putting goods into circulation (by shipping or selling them) is allowed only once they are marked and information is sent to the Track & trace Information system for marking.

    1. Marking goods with non-customised CIMs (CIMs ordered without customisation):

    • record the serial global identification number of your traded units on the CIMs using RFID equipment and:
    — CIM reading and recording software;
    — proprietary software (Technical Documents);

    • create an XML file;
    • upload the created XML file into the following section: Personal Account — Marking Info — Upload from XML;
    • press Sign & Send;
    • apply the CIMs to the corresponding goods. 
    Alternatively, you can hire a third-party company providing this type of service.

    2. Digital marking with customised CIMs (CIMs ordered with customisation):

    • go to: Personal Account — Marking Info — +Customised Marking;
    • select the date of customisation and marking — press Save;
    • press +Add and select the desired action: Marking new goods / Marking goods accepted on commission;
    • select the corresponding CIMs and press Select;
    • press Sign & Send;
    • apply the CIMs to the corresponding goods.
    Methods and guidelines for applying CIMs:

    a) sewn-in — textile CIM that is to be machine-sewn directly into the structural seam of the product, keeping the graphical info on it fully visible. In this case, apply the CIM during the manufacturing process by sewing this mark into an interior seam of the product using the special sewing margin;

    b) glue-on is a peel-and-stick CIM that is to be glued onto a sewn-in marking label. In this case, apply the CIM on products that have a sewn-in marking label provided by the manufacturer and containing enough free space to place the CIM on it without deforming it. To apply the CIM, remove the protective layer from the sticky side of the mark and glue the mark to the free area on the marking label;

    c) add-on is a plastic CIM attached to the product with a single-use sealing element, inseparably into a tab or a fastener on the front of the product or, in their absence, on the sewn-in loop or the sewn-in tab of the hanger loop in the form of a metal chain, metal or other plate. To apply the CIM, insert the flexible element of the CIM seal into the tab or fastener on the front of the item, the sewn-in loop or the sewn-in tab of the hanger loop, and into the locking element of the seal to prevent the possibility of unlocking without breaking it.

RFID-equipment and software requirements
  • To read and write information on CIMs, as well as to check the performance of CIMs upon receipt, you need equipment that supports the EPC Global Class 1 Gen2/ISO 18000-6C standard and operates on the standard EPC Gen2 frequency.
    Currently, free software for reading and writing information on a CIM, as well as checking the performance of a CIM, is supported by two types of equipment:

    • Bookos 2.0FE fixed reader;
    • ATID AT-870 portable reader.

Importing goods to the Russian Federation from non-EAEU countries
  • 1. Order your CIMs.

    2. Apply the CIMs to your goods:

    Apply non-customised red control (identification) marks on the goods:

    — using a foreign manufacturer or supplier;

    — in a customs warehouse, before they are placed under the customs procedures of output for domestic consumption or re-import.

    3. If you have non-customised CIMs, enter the information into Personal Account:

    • go to Import of Goods in your Personal Account;
    • press Add — Yes to create a new document;
    • in the document that opens, press +Add;
    • fill in the field CIM Number;
    • select the FEACN code from the list in the field FEACN;
    • select the fur type from the list in the field Fur Type, if you selected «4303109080 other clothing items <*>» in the FEACN field;
    • fill in the Description field in free form so that your goods can be identified in the Goods Declaration;
    • press Save and Sign & Send.

    4. Complete all the standard customs procedures and enter the corresponding CIM numbers in field 31 of the Goods Declaration.

    5. Mark your goods and report this in the Track & trace Information system for marking before the goods are put on sale.

    Mark your goods and report it in the Economic Agent Personal Account.

What to do when shipping goods
  • The shipment of the marked goods to the final customer can be traced in the Track & trace Information system for marking, so you need to report this information when shipping your goods.

    When shipping goods to wholesale or retail vendors, enter this information in Menu / Dealing with marked products / Sale in the Track & trace system for marking.

What to do in retail sales
  • The shipment of the marked goods to the final customer can be traced in the Track & trace Information system for marking, so you need to report this information when selling your goods.

    When selling goods to a customer, enter this information in Menu / Dealing with marked products / Retail sale in the Track & trace system for marking.

What to do in the case of a damaged control (identification) mark
  • If you have goods with a lost or damaged CIM, you need to mark them again.

    1. Document decommissioning of the CIM based on an act on damage, loss, or destruction.

    2. Within one business day, report the details of decommissioning of the CIM in Personal Account: Tracking of CIMs in the Track & trace system for marking.

    3. Within seventeen business days, mark the item with a new CIM.

    4. Enter the marking details in Personal Account: Tracking of CIMs in the Track & trace system for marking.

About the experiment
  • How to participate in the experiment?

    To take part in the experiment, please register on the system operator's website at

  • What types of products are subject to digital marking?

    All types of perfumes and toilet waters are to be marked based on Resolution of the Russian Government No. 792-r dated 28 April 2018 as per the OKPD-2 code 20,42,11, the TC FEA EAEU code 3303 00, the OKPD-2 codes 22.11.10-22.11.15, and 20.42.11.

  • What tires should be marked?

    Only tires with codes conforming to the Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities and the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities should be marked:
    22.11.11 — New pneumatic tires and tire casings for motor cars; — Tire casings for motorcycles, cycle-cars, scooters, motorised bicycles and motor-wheelers; — New pneumatic tires and tire casings for buses, trolley buses and heavy-duty vehicles;
    22.11.14 — New pneumatic tires and tire casings for agricultural machinery; other new pneumatic tires and tire casings; — Solid or semi-pneumatic rubber tires;

    EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities:
    4011 10 000 3 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for motor cars (including light vans and sports cars) with the bore diameter of maximum 16 inches;
    4011 10 000 9 — Other new pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for motor cars (including light vans and sports cars);
    4011 20 100 0 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for buses or motor vehicles for transportation of cargoes with the load index of up to 121;
    4011 20 900 0 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for buses or motor vehicles for transportation of cargoes with the load index of over 121;
    4011 40 000 0 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for motor cycles;
    4011 70 000 0 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for agricultural or forestry vehicles and machinery;
    4011 80 000 0 — New pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings for transport vehicles and machinery used in building, mining or industry;
    4011 90 000 0 — Other new pneumatic rubber tires and tire casings.

  • Are all new tires subject to marking? Must new rubber tubes, flaps and interchangeable protectors be marked?

    No, based on the experiment results it was decided to exclude several sub-groups from the marking projects. No marking is required for new bicycle tires and tire casings, new aviation tires and tire casings, as well as rubber tubes, flaps and interchangeable protectors.

  • What about used and restored tires?

    Restored and used tires should not be marked. The trade rules for restored and used tires remain unchanged.

  • How much does the code cost per a commodity unit?

    Resolution of the Russian Government No. 577 of 08/05/2019 approved a fee of 50 kopecks (net of VAT) for provision of marking codes required to generate identification tags and monitor the movement of goods subject to mandatory marking by identification tags. The fee includes generation of a marking code and its delivery to the economic agent via its personal account or through the integration of the marking system with the economic agent’s accounting system (1C Enterprise, SAP and other ERP systems). There is no minimum batch.

  • What does a marking code look like? What does a marking code consist of?

    A marking code is an alphanumeric sequence converted into a two-dimensional DataMatrix barcode, for example:

    Every marking code includes four groups of data: commodity code, individual serial number, verification key, and verification code. Below is the structure of the marking code:

    Example of a marking code.
    0104607428679090216eJIjoWH54DdU 91ffd0 92sz6kSPirApfMBftvLboE1dlWC/58hExQUqv7BBkZmk4=
    The first two symbols «01» are the application identifier;
    The next fourteen symbols «04607428679090» are the commodity code, GTIN;
    The next two symbols «21» are the application identifier;
    The following thirteen symbols «6eJIjoWH54DdU» are the unique serial number;
    The next symbol « » is a Group separator, non-printable machine-readable character with the ASCII code 29;
    The next two symbols «91» are the application identifier;
    The next four symbols «ffd0» are the verification key;
    The following symbol « » is a Group separator;
    The next two symbols «92» are the application identifier;
    The next forty four symbols «sz6kSPirApfMBftvLboE1dlWC/58hExQUqv7BBkZmk4=» are the verification code.

  • Is EDF mandatory to use?

    Yes, the electronic document flow tools are mandatory for providing information to the system about the acceptance and transfer of marked products.
    The system ensures the traceability of products. Traceability is ensured by a number of tools, including those for tracking ownership transfer—provision of information to the system about the change of owner using a UTD in an electronic form.

  • How to mark tires that come with the car?

    Tires that come complete with another product do not need to be marked.

  • How to sell assembled wheels?

    A tire mounted on a wheel disk is considered an element of another product (assembled wheel) and, respectively, does not need to be marked.
    Disposal of a tire separately and its inclusion into another product must be recognised in the system as disposal not related to the further sale.

  • How to register a tire with a tube in the system?

    When describing products in the catalogue, economic agents specify the type of tires by the method of their pressurisation: tubeless or tubed. In this case, the marking code is to be printed and attached to the tire, regardless whether it is tubed or not.

  • The company accepts a car under trade-in with two sets of tires, should it mark the second set?

    Used tires do not need to be marked.

Marking technologies
  • What marking methods are available?

    The main types of tire marking are their labeling with a two-dimensional DataMatrix barcode. Currently, no specific place on the tire for labeling is defined, however, the common industry practice is putting the marking on the protector or tire side.

    Apart from the label (but not alone), identification means may also be applied to or embedded in tires as an RFID tag.

    Examples of tire marking:

    tyres_1.jpg tyres_2.jpg

  • How to choose the marking method? What materials and printers should be used to print labels?

    Unlike most other commodity groups, tires come without packaging, so the label is applied directly to the product. Because of the different chemical compositions used in tire manufacturing, the type of label adhesive that ensures a high level of adhesion to the tire is individually tailored to the products of each manufacturer.

    You may contact your partner suppliers to specify the preferred marking method or receive the contact details of the printing house or the supplier of labels or find a company with the necessary business profile in the list of CRPT partners in the respective section.

  • What is required for tire marking with identification tag?

    Depending on the role of economic agents (manufacturer, importer, wholesale or retail distributor), various marking solutions are used; for large manufacturers and importers, these may include an industrial thermal transfer printer and labels with special adhesive composition ensuring the integrity of identification tags at all stages of tire movement along the commodity chain.

    Wholesalers and retailers do not need to regularly mark large volumes, they mark only remaining tires or re-mark products with lost or damaged labels. Depending on the volumes and conditions of storage and/or transportation of tires, the above companies may do well with low-cost, portable or stationary label printers, or even regular office printers.

    You may request a list of labeling equipment from your partner suppliers or find a company with the appropriate business profile in the list of CRPT partners in the respective section.

  • How to sell marked tires retail?

    To sell marked tires retail, the store cash desks must be equipped with scanners reading DataMatrix barcodes and transferring the information about product withdrawal through the fiscal data operator servicing that point of sale.

Working with the marking system
  • How to order marking codes?

    Marking codes can be ordered by an importer or manufacturer by placing information in the marking system about the commodity codes (GTIN codes in GS1) to be ordered, specifying their quantity and serial numbers, which are entered in the system by economic agents or are generated automatically. The system supplements this information with a cryptographic protection code and returns the complete generated marking code to the economic agent’s personal account or accounting system in a CSV or PDF format.
    Each marking code is unique for each commodity unit.

  • How are codes delivered?

    Codes are requested, generated and delivered in an electronic form through the web-interface of the economic agent’s personal account at or using its accounting system (1С, SAP, Oracle, and other ERP systems) where it is integrated with the marking system.

  • Is it necessary to indicate the manufacture date when putting a tire into circulation?

    According to the draft Resolution of the Russian Government, the year and week of manufacture must be indicated (if appropriate).

  • Should I sign in to my personal account only from the computer with the qualified signature?

    The basic registration is done with the electronic signature of the chief executive officer, i.e. a person who is authorised to act without a power of attorney (e.g., a general director).
    After the registration with the system, additional authorised users (the company’s officers who also must have an EES to work in the system) can be added.

About the experiment
  • How to participate in the experiment?

    To take part in the experiment, please register on the system operator's website at

  • What types of products are subject to digital marking?

    All photo cameras (except for movie cameras), flash lamps and flashbulbs are to be registered based on Resolution of the Russian Government No. 792-r dated 28 April 2018 as per the OKPD-2 codes 26.70.12, 26.70.14, 26.70.17 and 26.70.19, and code 9006 under the Trade Classification of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union (TC FEA EAEU).

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    The unified Digital Track & Trace System will allow businesses to improve productivity, streamline their logistical processes, gain a greater market share and ultimately maximize earnings:

    • According to a study conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in August 2020, as the share of illegal circulation shrinks, legal manufacturers stand to increase their market shares and output by 5 to 50% depending on the product group.
    • Businesses will be enabled to reinvent their production according to Industry 4.0 principles and Just-in-Time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses and improve turnaround times.
    • Businesses can implement in-depth accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Many entrepreneurs do not currently receive independent data on their stock balances or goods codes at warehouses and stores. SKU tracking will pave the way for optimising costs and raising efficiency.
    • Businesses will switch to e-document management (EDM). EDM radically reduces the volume of paper documents, which are still widely being exchanged by Russian companies. It also cuts business costs and improves productivity.

  • What is the basis of the Digital Track & Trace System?

    In December 2017, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, endorsed the government’s vision of a national digital track & trace system for goods to be in place by 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Center of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The Digital Track & Trace System employs a digital code technology based on the DataMatrix standard, which stores information about each product unit, and on cryptographic protection technology that makes it impossible to falsify a code. A unique code is applied on each product unit at production or importation (for some product groups).

    Electronic Document Management ensures that each marked product unit remains traceable at all times.

    In order to monitor the disposal of marked goods from circulation, a system is in place to share information that conveys any instance of the disposal of a product and its code via the fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures a complete traceability of goods, from the production line to checkout, thus eliminating the possibility of introduction of unmarked goods into a circulation cycle.
    The use of digital technology also provides an opportunity to expand public monitoring mechanisms through the use of the Chestny Znak mobile app. With this app, a consumer gets to check product’s legitimacy and specifications and may direct any complaint to the regulatory or supervisory authority.

  • What information is embedded in the marking code?

    The feasible methods of applying and reading the marking codes at production will be determined based on the results of production site surveys carried out by systems integrators in conjunction with representatives of the Operators and manufacturers. In the more challenging cases, individual package form factors may have to be submitted for extra laboratory testing to determine how to apply marking codes of the required quality to a specific form factor, as well as to validate the quality of application during reading.

  • How is the marking code applied to a package and what changes need to be made to the package design?

    The feasible methods of applying and reading the marking codes at production will be determined based on the results of production site surveys carried out by systems integrators in conjunction with representatives of the Operators and manufacturers. In the more challenging cases, individual package form factors may have to be submitted for extra laboratory testing to determine how to apply marking codes of the required quality to a specific form factor, as well as to validate the quality of application during reading.

  • What changes will have to be made to packaging in order to apply the DataMatrix?

    A small surface sized approximately 13 mm by 13 mm is sufficient for the application of the code to the label or the cap. The exact size and place of application can only be determined through experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What equipment needs to be installed on the production lines?

    A label printer, applicators (where labelling is required) and machine vision where the digital marks are applied at the manufacturing site. Only machine vision is required when marking codes are printed on a label by a printer. More details about the equipment, its deployment locations and process integration will arise from the findings of the production site survey.

  • Do stock accounting systems need to be modified to produce marked products?

    Small businesses and microbusinesses may be able to do this via their user accounts. But if this option is inconvenient, an update or upgrade of their existing stock accounting system will be necessary to integrate it with the track & trace system account. Large and medium-sized businesses are strongly recommended to implement integration with their stock accounting and warehouse automation systems as this would greatly simplify interoperation with the GIS/TT.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will be barred from crossing the customs border into the Russian Federation. Do marking codes have to be applied to imported goods at the manufacturing site or at the customs warehouse?

  • What do retail points of sale need to have?

    • An Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature, which can be obtained from a certification centre accredited with the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media;
    • A 2D barcode scanner to read Data Matrix codes;
    • An online cash register for retail sales (you may need to update the firmware);
    • Document exchange will have to be configured with the aid of the electronic document management operator to be able to accept goods into the warehouse;
    • When operating the stock accounting programme, the economic agent may integrate it with their user account in the track & trace system.

  • How much does the marking service cost?

    The cost of the track & trace service for marked goods (generation and provision of a code/storage of information on marking code transfers between legal entities per product unit) was approved by Executive Order of the Russian Government No. 577 of 8 May 2019 and amounts to a flat RUB 0.50 per product unit, excluding VAT, over a period of 15 years.

  • When do I pay for the marking codes?

    The marking codes are issued free of charge for the duration of the experiment. After the experiment, as of the official start date for digital marking, the amount will be charged every time the details of a product’s entry into civil circulation are submitted.

  • Do I need to pay for a reissued marking code if it gets damaged?

    Market participants bear the cost of the risk of loss resulting from goods write-offs/defects regardless of whether the goods are marked or not. The risk is unrelated to the operator’s service of providing marking codes. Marking codes retain their traceability even when up to 50% of their surface is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with health and safety regulations. As the physical printing and application of the marking codes are not included in the services provided by the operator, incorrect application or mutilation of a code cannot be attributed to the risks of the operator.

  • What are the stages of the track & trace project?

    The track & trace project consists of these stages:

    1. The preparatory stage, where the best technology is selected for applying the marking codes, the TT GIS system gets set up and we reach out to the broadest possible audience of industry players to raise their awareness of the goals and objectives of the system;
    2. The experiment, which involves testing the marking technologies in industrial settings, testing and fine-tuning the TT GIS system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment and preparing for the mass roll-out;
    3. Roll-out on a massive scale, where all manufacturers, distributors and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? At which point is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to their disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1. Order the code from TT GIS and apply it on the finished product;
    2. Report the successful application of the code to TT GIS;
    3. Aggregate the products into shipping packages and aggregate product unit codes into an aggregation code;
    4. Put the marked products into circulation and generate a report;
    5. The products progress down the distribution chain as per the Electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) involving the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6. The products exit from circulation through cash register equipment or via eUTDs without resale rights.

  • How do participants benefit from the experiment?

    • They get to test the product marking technology in their specific manufacturing environment. The work is done by third-party system integrators at no cost to the manufacturer. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to reach an early consensus on the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system;
    • Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;
    • An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the ground rules of marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: ground rules for marking that take the needs of the manufacturing sites into account.

  • What size company is eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use several different package form factors and one or more production lines.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    The unified Digital Track & Trace System will allow businesses to improve productivity, streamline their logistical processes, gain a greater market share and ultimately maximize earnings:

    • According to a study conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in August 2020, as the share of illegal circulation shrinks, legal manufacturers stand to increase their market shares and output by 5 to 50% depending on the product group.

    • Businesses will be enabled to reinvent their production according to Industry 4.0 principles and Just-in-Time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses and improve turnaround times.

    • Businesses can implement in-depth accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Many entrepreneurs do not currently receive independent data on their stock balances or goods codes at warehouses and stores. SKU tracking will pave the way for optimising costs and raising efficiency.

    • Businesses will switch to e-document management (EDM). EDM radically reduces the volume of paper documents, which are still widely being exchanged by Russian companies. It also cuts business costs and improves productivity.

  • What is the basis of the Digital Track & Trace System?

    In December 2017, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, endorsed the government’s vision of a national digital track & trace system for goods to be in place by 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Center of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The Digital Track & Trace System employs a digital code technology based on the DataMatrix standard, which stores information about each product unit, and on cryptographic protection technology that makes it impossible to falsify a code. A unique code is applied on each product unit at production or importation (for some product groups).

    Electronic Document Management ensures that each marked product unit remains traceable at all times.

    In order to monitor the disposal of marked goods from circulation, a system is in place to share information that conveys any instance of the disposal of a product and its code via the fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures a complete traceability of goods, from the production line to checkout, thus eliminating the possibility of introduction of unmarked goods into a circulation cycle.
    The use of digital technology also provides an opportunity to expand public monitoring mechanisms through the use of the Chestny Znak mobile app. With this app, a consumer gets to check product’s legitimacy and specifications and may direct any complaint to the regulatory or supervisory authority.

  • What information is embedded in the marking code?

    1. The 14-digit GTIN product code;
    2. An individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3. A verification Code of 4 characters, which is used to verify the authenticity of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to a package and what changes need to be made to the package design?

    The feasible methods of applying and reading the marking codes at production will be determined based on the results of production site surveys carried out by systems integrators in conjunction with representatives of the Operators and manufacturers. In the more challenging cases, individual package form factors may have to be submitted for extra laboratory testing to determine how to apply marking codes of the required quality to a specific form factor, as well as to validate the quality of application during reading.

  • What changes will have to be made to packaging in order to apply the DataMatrix?

    A small surface sized approximately 13 mm by 13 mm is sufficient for the application of the code to the label or the cap. The exact size and place of application can only be determined through experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What equipment needs to be installed on the production lines?

    A label printer, applicators (where labelling is required) and machine vision where the digital marks are applied at the manufacturing site. Only machine vision is required when marking codes are printed on a label by a printer. More details about the equipment, its deployment locations and process integration will arise from the findings of the production site survey.

  • Do stock accounting systems need to be modified to produce marked products?

    Small businesses and microbusinesses may be able to do this via their user accounts. But if this option is inconvenient, an update or upgrade of their existing stock accounting system will be necessary to integrate it with the track & trace system account. Large and medium-sized businesses are strongly recommended to implement integration with their stock accounting and warehouse automation systems as this would greatly simplify interoperation with the GIS/TT.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will be barred from crossing the customs border into the Russian Federation. Do marking codes have to be applied to imported goods at the manufacturing site or at the customs warehouse?

  • What do retail points of sale need to have?

    • An Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature, which can be obtained from a certification centre accredited with the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media;
    • A 2D barcode scanner to read Data Matrix codes;
    • An online cash register for retail sales (you may need to update the firmware);
    • Document exchange will have to be configured with the aid of the electronic document management operator to be able to accept goods into the warehouse;
    • When operating the stock accounting programme, the economic agent may integrate it with their user account in the track & trace system.

  • How much does the marking service cost?

    The cost of the track & trace service for marked goods (generation and provision of a code/storage of information on marking code transfers between legal entities per product unit) was approved by Executive Order of the Russian Government No. 577 of 8 May 2019 and amounts to a flat RUB 0.50 per product unit, excluding VAT, over a period of 15 years.

  • When do I pay for the marking codes?

    The marking codes are issued free of charge for the duration of the experiment. After the experiment, as of the official start date for digital marking, the amount will be charged every time the details of a product’s entry into civil circulation are submitted.

  • Do I need to pay for a reissued marking code if it gets damaged?

    Market participants bear the cost of the risk of loss resulting from goods write-offs/defects regardless of whether the goods are marked or not. The risk is unrelated to the operator’s service of providing marking codes. Marking codes retain their traceability even when up to 50% of their surface is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with health and safety regulations. As the physical printing and application of the marking codes are not included in the services provided by the operator, incorrect application or mutilation of a code cannot be attributed to the risks of the operator.

  • What are the stages of the track & trace project? The track & trace project consists of these stages:

    1. The preparatory stage, where the best technology is selected for applying the marking codes, the TT GIS system gets set up and we reach out to the broadest possible audience of industry players to raise their awareness of the goals and objectives of the system;
    2. The experiment, which involves testing the marking technologies in industrial settings, testing and fine-tuning the TT GIS system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment and preparing for the mass roll-out;
    3. Roll-out on a massive scale, where all manufacturers, distributors and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? At which point is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to their disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1. Order the code from TT GIS and apply it on the finished product;
    2. Report the successful application of the code to TT GIS;
    3. Aggregate the products into shipping packages and aggregate product unit codes into an aggregation code;
    4. Put the marked products into circulation and generate a report;
    5. The products progress down the distribution chain as per the Electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) involving the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6. The products exit from circulation through cash register equipment or via eUTDs without resale rights.

  • How do participants benefit from the experiment?

    • They get to test the product marking technology in their specific manufacturing environment. The work is done by third-party system integrators at no cost to the manufacturer. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to reach an early consensus on the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system;
    • Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;
    • An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the ground rules of marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: ground rules for marking that take the needs of the manufacturing sites into account.

  • What size company is eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use several different package form factors and one or more production lines.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

Marking technologies
  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

Marking technologies
  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

Marking technologies
  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

About the experiment
  • What is digital marking used for?

    A unified digital marking system (track & trace) will allow the business to boost productivity, improve logistics processes, and increase market share and, eventually, revenue:

    According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (April 2021), in 2020, 0.67 billion packages of antiseptics and disinfectants were sold in Russia, while the share of illegal (unobserved) turnover of such products amounted to 51%, an increase compared to 2018-19 (ten%);

    — The business will be able to switch production to the Industry 4.0 and just-in-time principles. By tracking warehouse stocks, product movements and shipments online, businesses will be able to optimise their production planning, reduce stock surpluses, and improve turnaround times;
    — The business will be able to ensure deep accounting at all stages of the production and logistics cycle. Today, many entrepreneurs do not have their own data on stock on hand and goods codes in warehouses and shops. Inventory accounting will optimise costs and increase efficiency;
    — The business will switch to electronic document management. EDM will help radically reduce the volume of paper documents that Russian companies are still actively exchanging with one another, cut expenses, and increase labour productivity.

  • What is the track & trace system based on?

    December 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the government’s decision to create a national track & trace system by the year 2024. The project is being implemented as a public/private partnership without reliance on the federal budget. The government has appointed the Centre of Research in Perspective Technologies (CRPT) to operate the system.

    The track & trace system is based on digital code technology using the Data Matrix standard, which stores data on each inventory item, as well as cryptographic protection, which makes it impossible to falsify the code. A unique code is applied to each inventory item during production or import (for specific groups of goods).

    To ensure the traceability of the marked goods, electronic document management is used.

    To monitor the disposal of marked goods, a system has been implemented to exchange information on the fact of the disposal of goods and, along with it, the goods code through fiscal data operators.

    This approach ensures full traceability of goods from the production line (import) to the cash register and eliminates the possibility of introducing unmarked goods into circulation.
    The use of the digital technology also makes it possible to expand social control mechanisms through the use of the Chestny ZNAK mobile application. It allows buyers to check the legality and specifications of goods and send complaints to regulatory authorities.

  • What information is stored in the marking code?

    1) GTIN goods code of 14 digits;
    2) Individual serial number of 13 characters;
    3) Verification code, which ensures verification of the originality of the marking code.

  • How is the marking code applied to the packaging and what changes need to be made to the packaging design?

    of a survey of production sites by system integrators together with representatives of the Operator and manufacturers.

    In difficult cases, individual package form factors can be submitted for additional laboratory studies to determine how to apply a marking code of required quality to a specific form factor and to validate the quality of the application when reading.

  • What changes will need to be made to the packaging to apply Data Matrix?

    A small area of approximately 13×13 mm is required for applying the code on a label or lid. The exact application size and place can be determined after carrying out experimental work at the enterprise.

  • What types of equipment need to be put on the line?

    Label printer, applicators (in the case of labelling), machine vision — if marking in production. If printing marking codes on a label in a printing shop — machine vision only. In more detail, the composition of the equipment, its location, and integration into the line can be determined based on the results of a survey of the production site.

  • Is it necessary to update the inventory accounting system for the release of marked products?

    For small and micro enterprises, the User Account is available. If this option is inconvenient, then the existing inventory accounting system will need to be finalised/upgraded for integration with the User Account of the track & trace system. For medium and large enterprises, integration with inventory accounting and automated warehouse systems is recommended without fail in order to significantly simplify interaction with the track & trace system.

  • If I am an importer, what should I do with the imported goods?

    After the introduction of mandatory marking, unmarked goods will not be able to pass through customs of the Russian Federation. The application of the marking code on the imported goods must be carried out in production or in the customs warehouse.

  • What must a retail point of sale have?

    — Enhanced qualified electronic signature (issued in one of the certification centres accredited by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media);
    — 2D barcode scanner for reading the Data Matrix code;
    — Online checkout for retail sales (firmware update may be required);
    — Document exchange configured using an electronic document management operator for the acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
    — When working in the inventory accounting program, the turnover participant can integrate it with the User Account of the track & trace system.

  • How much does a marking service cost?

    The cost of the service for the traceability of marked goods (generation and provision of a marking code/storage of information on the transfer of a marking code between legal entities for one inventory item), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 577 dated 8 May 2019, shall be 50 kopecks excluding VAT fixed for 15 years.

  • When must the marking code payment be made?

    For the duration of the experiment, the emission of marking codes is free. Upon completion of the experiment, from the date of the start of mandatory digital marking, the debiting of funds will occur until the submission of information about the introduction of goods into civil circulation.

  • Do I need to pay for re-emission of the marking code if it has been damage damaged?

    The costs of a market member for losses from the write-off of goods/rejects are their own risk, regardless of whether their goods have been marked or not. This risk is not related to the service of providing marking codes by the Operator. Recognition of the marking code is retained if up to 30% of its area is damaged. Greater damage may indicate damage to the product packaging, rendering it non-compliant with the health and safety regulations. Since physical printing and application of the marking code are not included in the services provided by the Operator, incorrect application or damage to the code cannot be attributed to the risks of the Operator.

  • What are the stages of digital marking implementation?

    The track & trace system implementation project comprises several stages:

    1. Preparatory stage: searching for optimal technologies for the application of marking codes, setting up the track & trace system, outreaching to industry enterprises to inform them of the goals and objectives of the implementation of the system to the greatest possible extent;
    2. Experiment: testing the marking technologies in real life and at real enterprises, testing and adjusting the track & trace system, informing the industry about the results of the Experiment, and preparing for high-volume deployment;
    3. High-volume deployment: all manufacturing enterprises, distribution networks, and retail chains implement the track & trace technology.

  • What are the stages of the experiment? When is the experiment considered successful within a company?

    The purpose of the experiment is to successfully test the entire flow of marked goods from manufacturing sites or import to disposal at checkouts.

    The experiment consists of the following key steps:

    1) Ordering a code from the track & and trace system and applying it on the finished product;
    2) Transfer of information on the successful application of codes to the track & trace system;
    3) Aggregation of products in shipping packages and aggregation of inventory item codes in the aggregation code;
    4) Introduction of marked products into circulation and the generation of reports;
    5) Flow of goods along the commodity distribution chain according to the electronic Universal Transfer Document (eUTD) with the transfer of codes between legal entities;
    6) Withdrawal from the circulation of goods through checkouts or eUTD, without the right of resale.

  • How do the participants benefit from the experiment?

    — Testing the digital marking technology with consideration for the specifics of a particular manufacturing site. Outputs: a report on the possibility of applying marking to the products of a particular manufacturer; recommended equipment specifications with an eye on the particular characteristics of the manufacturing site; an understanding of the impact of the introduction of digital marking on the manufacturer’s or importer’s production cycle (changes in the packaging process, aggregation of products into shipping packages and subsequent product distribution); an understanding of the required changes in the business processes and technologies of the wholesale component and retail; the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the subsequent full-scale roll-out of the track & trace system at an early stage;

    — Analysis of business processes altered by the introduction of marking. Outputs: early assessment of the volume of required changes in the business processes of manufacturing, logistics, sales and affiliate network (if applicable) and the opportunity to prepare for the changes in good time;

    — An open discussion with the experiment’s participants on the mandatory rules for marking and circulation and the possibility to influence the shaping of the rules, even at the federal executive level. Outputs: mandatory rules for marking that take comments from manufacturing sites into account.

  • What company sizes are eligible to take part in the experiment? Is there a minimum number of SKUs required to join the pilot project?

    There are no limits on company size or the number of SKUs required to join the experiment; however, it is advisable to use multiple different package form factors and production lines.

Marking technologies
  • What types of materials are used for labels?

    Two main types can be distinguished: paper and synthetic.

    Paper is exposed to various environment conditions. It is not recommended for use in humid environments.

    Synthetic material is tearproof and, often, resistant to tensile, as well as moisture, temperature conditions, mechanical stress, and in some cases, chemicals.

  • What is the difference between thermal transfer and thermal inkjet printing?

    In thermal transfer printing, information is applied using an ink ribbon (ribbon) by heating a ribbon on which a pigment is applied, which is transferred to the material, similar to a carbon paper, while thermal inkjet printing is based on the property of ink to increase in volume when heated and then get sprayed

  • What is the diameter of the ribbon core?

    The most common cores are 1" or 1/2" in diameter. There are also printer models that use a special sleeve with a specific cutout for fastening.

  • What are the types of cartridges?

    Cartridges can be divided into two main types: chipped or non-chipped.

    Chipped cartridges can be protected by a special chip that controls the use of original consumables. Some printers with cartridge storage systems allow the use of suitable cartridges without the control of the supplying trademark — without a chip.

  • What are the types of ribbons?

    There are three ribbon materials (wax, resin, and wax-resin). They must correspond to the material from which the marked material is made.

    WAX (wax for paper), WAX-RESIN (wax-resin for paper and synthetics), and RESIN (resin for synthetics).

  • What adhesive is used for marking?

    Three types of adhesive are used for marking:

    Natural rubber (the viscosity of the substance does not allow the adhesive to drain from the object, which increases the strength of the connection.)

    Synthetic rubber (usually, permanently acting fast-sticking compounds.)

    Acrylic (the most common adhesive used for sticking labels on a dry and even surface at temperatures not lower than +5°С.)

    They can also occur as special compounds with specific parameters for specific purposes (high resistance, tolerance to extreme temperatures, ease of removal, high viscosity for bonding to complex or contaminated surfaces).

  • What is an ink thinner?

    All ink dries quickly. To achieve a certain viscosity of not more than 10 mPa, an ink thinner is used. However, it is may be consumed faster due to the temperature and the printer mode. It prevents the ink from thickening and has strong adhesive properties.

  • Which inks are suitable for marking?

    Water-based — The earliest-developed ink for inkjet printing.

    Solvent-based — A physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent, and special additives.

    Alcohol-based — Contains isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

    Ultraviolet — The most sustainable type, dried under the ultraviolet lights.

  • What is a printhead?

    A part of a printer that prints. In thermal transfer printers, it wears out like brake pads — from contact with the material — and requires regular replacement. Almost all printheads require cleaning (maintenance), which not only ensures high-quality printing, but also extends their life.

  • What is the principle of operation of an inkjet printer?

    The printer generates a stream of fine ink droplets and selects some of those droplets to print characters on the product.

About the experiment
  • How to participate in the experiment?

    For participation in the experiment, you must register on the website of the system operator.

  • What benefit do participants get from the experiment?

    The companies that decide to participate in the experiment will be the first to test the track & trace system operation. Take part in meetings of project expert and working groups. Come up with suggestions on marking of goods.

  • What types of products are subject to marking as part of the experiment?

    8711 Bicycles with an auxiliary engine installed, with or without wheeled chairs
    8712 00 Two-wheeled bicycles and other bicycles (including tricycles for delivery of cargo) without engine
    8714 91 100 Bicycle frames
    9503 00 100 9 Tricycles

About the experiment
  • How to participate in the experiment?

    For participation in the experiment, you must register on the website of the system operator.

  • What benefit do participants get from the experiment?

    The companies that decide to participate in the experiment will be the first to test the track & trace system operation. Take part in meetings of project expert and working groups. Come up with suggestions on marking of goods.

  • What types of products are subject to marking as part of the experiment?

    The experiment covers two types of devices for rehabilitation:
    — hand powered wheelchairs (without mechanical devices for movement), TRIEC 8713 10;
    — electric wheelchairs (other wheelchairs equipped with an engine or other mechanical devices for movement), TRIEC 8713 90.

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