According to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, a National track & trace digital system will be created by 2024, based at the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies
Within 6 years, the Chestny ZNAK track & trace system will cover all product groups – from cigarettes and medicines to clothing and baby food
Register in the track & trace systemApply to register in the track & trace system
Receive an enhanced, encrypted and certified
Register in an economic agent’s account
Consult with Chestny ZNAK on the subsequent work in the track & trace system, necessary equipment and software
Apply for partnership
Sign a confidentiality agreement
Sign a statement of accession to the Memorandum and submit a declaration
Mandatory marking for non-alcoholic beverages and juices will be phased in starting from 1 December 2023. And from 1 March 2026, all goods circulation participants will be required to utilise electronic document management for shipping and receiving marked products.
Mandatory dairy product marking officially began on 1 June 2021, and is being phased in for different product groups. The Chestny Znak track & trace system is interconnected with the Mercury electronic veterinary certification system. Mercury tracks dairy products from the farm to the factory, while Chestny Znak monitors their journey from the factory to the consumer, using a Data Matrix digital code for marking finished dairy products.
Marking bottled drinking water became mandatory on 1 December 2021. As of 2023, the retail sector is also involved in sharing data on bottled water. Chestny Znak is a track & trace system of mandatory marking designed to safeguard consumer rights and combat the distribution of substandard products. It allows for tracking each individual product from the manufacturer to the consumer using a Data Matrix digital code.
Pharmaceutical product marking was implemented in phases, starting from 1 October 2019. Chestny Znak is a track & trace system of mandatory marking designed to safeguard consumer rights and combat the distribution of substandard products. It allows for tracking each individual product from the manufacturer to the consumer using a Data Matrix digital code.
Tobacco manufacturers and retailers first began registering in the Chestny Znak digital track & trace system on 1 March 2019. And starting from 1 July 2019, manufacturers are marking each cigarette pack with a unique Data Matrix code. The process of shipping marked cigarettes from manufacturers directly to distributors is accompanied by a Universal Transfer Document (UTD) containing product codes via the Electronic Document Management (EDM) systems.
Phased mandatory marking of light industry goods was initiated on 1 January 2021. And starting from 1 January 2022, all light industry goods circulation participants are required to submit turnover information to the Chestny Znak track & trace system. Chestny Znak is a track & trace system of mandatory marking designed to safeguard consumer rights and combat the distribution of substandard products. It allows for tracking each individual product from the manufacturer to the consumer using a Data Matrix digital code.
On 1 July 2019, mandatory marking started for footwear in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 792-r dated 28 April 2018.
Starting from 1 June 2019, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 270 dated 14 March 2019, the Track & trace Information system for marking fur products has been transferred to the Operator CRPT into the unified national Chestny ZNAK trace & track system.
Perfume marking has been mandatory since 1 October 2020. The sale of unmarked perfume products has also been prohibited since this date. Starting 1 January 2022, all perfume products circulation participants are required to utilise electronic document management for shipping and receiving marked goods.
From 1 November 2020, onward, it has been mandatory to mark tyres and tyre covers. As of 1 January 2022, all tyre circulation participants are required to utilise electronic document management for shipping and receiving marked goods.
On 1 October 2020, it became mandatory to mark cameras and flashbulbs. From this date forward, the circulation of unmarked cameras and flashbulbs is prohibited. Starting 1 January 2022, all goods circulation participants are required to utilise electronic document management for shipping and receiving marked products.
The mandatory marking of biologically active food supplements will begin on 1 October 2023. There will be guidelines in place for the product list, timeline, and phasing. Marking requirements extend to products that hold a valid state registration certificate for biologically active food supplements.
The start of mandatory marking for hand antiseptics is scheduled for 1 October 2023. By 2025, product marking will become mandatory for all goods circulation participants.
A phased introduction of mandatory marking for beer and other low-alcohol beverages began on 1 April 2023. By 2025, all beer and other low-alcohol beverages circulation participants will be required to report removing marked goods in any form of consumer packaging from circulation.
Mandatory marking for medical devices will be adopted in phases, starting from 1 October 2023. There will be guidelines in place for the product list, timeline, and phasing. By 2025, product marking will become mandatory for all goods circulation participants.
A track & trace experiment for sturgeon and salmon caviar subject to marking with the identification means will be running from 15 April 2023, to 31 March 2024. Solutions for all goods circulation participants will be developed and tested out throughout the experiment.
A track & trace experiment for titanium metal products subject to marking with the identification means will be running from 1 September 2023, to 31 March 2024. Solutions for all goods circulation participants will be developed and tested out throughout the experiment.
On 16 September 2019, a pilot project on track & trace of bicycles and bicycle frames was launched in Russia in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1183 dated 11 September 2019. It will be conducted until 31 May 2020.
The start of mandatory marking for wheelchairs is scheduled for 1 October 2023. By 2025, product marking will become mandatory for all goods circulation participants.